March 7, 2011
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 7th day of March, 2011. Mayor Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Dietz, Koehler, Kostichek, and Puck. Absent: Koberg. City employees present: L. Rickertsen, J. Brockmann, and J. Blake.
Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearings. Mayor Couper opened the public hearing on the FYE 2012 budget. The proposed tax levy rate is 10.00 per $1,000 valuation on regular property. No oral or written comments were received. Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to close the public hearing and open the public hearing on the proposal to enter into a loan agreement in a principal amount not to exceed $2,500,000. Motion carried. No oral or written objections were received. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Dietz seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from February 21, 2011, and the February 2011 Financial Reports. Motion carried.
Recreational Trail & Park Project. The issue with the proposed additional services from Verbeke-Meyer was tabled until the next regular meeting.
- Resolution 2011-10, Approving Change Order #4. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-10. Roll call ayes: Puck, Kostichek, Dietz, and Koehler. Motion carried. This Resolution provides for project additions and deletions with an overall deduction of $40,679.71, bringing the total construction cost to $878,251.53. Concerns were expressed regarding the completion delay and working days.
- Approval of Payment #5. Koehler moved and Dietz seconded to approve payment #5 to McCarthy Improvements Co., in the amount of $117,080.16. Motion carried. The proposed completion date is March 28, 2011.
Liability/Property Insurance Renewal. Rickertsen stated the renewal rates in April 2010 increased approximately 18%, mostly due to an increase for workers' compensation. The City recently received a cost reduction payment which represented approximately 9% of the 2010 premium. Rickertsen reported that she has reviewed the current property/autos/equipment with Brockmann. Kostichek moved and Dietz seconded to pursue renewing the liability, property, and workers' compensation insurance with EMC Insurance Company. Motion carried.
Ordinance 451, Adding Chapter 142, Recreational Trails. Dietz moved and Puck seconded to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance 451-11. Roll call ayes: Dietz, Puck, Koehler, and Kostichek. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-11, Approving of the FYE 2012 Budget. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-11. Roll call ayes: Puck, Kostichek, Koehler, and Dietz. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-12, Adopting the February 2011 Supplement to City Code. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-12. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Puck, Dietz, and Kostichek. Motion carried. The supplement includes ordinances approved from January 2010 : January 2011.
Resolution 2011-13, Approving Loan Agreement and Bond Purchase Agreement. Dietz moved and Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-13. Roll call ayes: Dietz, Puck, Koehler, and Kostichek. Motion carried. The loan and bond purchase agreements are for refunding (refinancing) the balance of the 2006 General Obligation Sewer Improvements Bonds. With lower interest rates, the City will save approximately $50,000.
Police Department Report. Mayor Couper stated he has received and accepted the resignation from Chief Vaughan as the Police Chief. Kostichek moved and Dietz seconded to approve the resignation acceptance from Vaughan. Motion carried. Dietz expressed thanks for Vaughan's service and wishes him well in his next endeavor. Mayor Couper stated he has appointed a panel to assist him with interviewing for the position. The panel includes the following: Council Members Koberg and Puck and two citizens, Bob Potter and Kristal Koberg-Schaefer. Discussion was held on establishing a pay range for the position. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to allow the interviewing panel to use a range of $23 : $28/hour ($47,840 – $58,240) when discussing potential salary with candidates. Motion carried.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann stated he is assisting the Fire Department with obtaining costs for a possible building expansion. He reported he is obtaining a proposal from an engineer as well as a construction company that has an architect and engineer on staff. Koehler suggested he obtain quotes from other construction companies that staff architects and/or engineers so that the proposals are comparable.
City Clerk's Report.
- Grants. Rickertsen reported that the Park Board suggested writing a grant for the purchase of a skid steer to utilize at the recreational trail and other areas of town. Council consensus was to proceed with writing the grant application. Rickertsen stated she would be writing a grant for the purchase of a fireproof cabinet to house minute books.
- Handicap Sign Request. Rickertsen stated a request has been made for a handicap parking spot at the northeast corner of Lincoln and Main Streets. Discussion followed on private property, costs, and responsibility. Other communities will be contacted and further research of the ADA requirements prior to the next regular council meeting.
- Rickertsen reported she was contacted by the owner and a resident of the Mobile Home Park regarding safety issues with traffic coming from the north on Plainview Road (60th Avenue). She reported that she contacted the County Engineer since the County is responsible for the west side of the road.
Attorney's Report. Schirman reported he requested a draft of a proposed ordinance from Mediacom for our franchise renewal that expires in 2012. He also stated he will be forwarding letters to county departments confirming that all surveys used to divide property, must be approved by the City prior to the county recording and accepting. There have been questions where parcel splits have been recorded without approval by the City.
Mayor's Report. Mayor Couper expressed his thanks to Chief Vaughan for his service and wishes him much success.
Questions/Concerns. Koehler stated the city should have a simple written purchasing policy. He suggested obtaining a minimum of three bids, maximum purchase amount, and whether or not the purchase is budgeted. Rickertsen will obtain samples from other communities prior to the next meeting. Puck stated she is enjoying her participation in the Citizens Police Academy.
Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.