The City Clerk’s Department performs a wide variety of services including maintaining all records and documents of the City. To request records or information, please contact the City Clerk. Most requests can be handled by email or by phone at 563-284-6571 x10. The following duties are also the responsibility of the City Clerk’s Department: annual budget and financial reports, accounts payable, accounts receivable, water/sewer/garbage billing and receipting, licenses and permits, payroll & benefits, custodian of all funds of the City, and coordination of the Tax Increment Financing program and related reports. The City Clerk’s Department is responsible for preparing agendas and reporting proceedings for the City Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustments, and Park Board.

City Budget / Finances

The FYE 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) tax levy rate is $10.1354 per $1,000 valuation on regular property. Copies of the City’s annual budget are available at City Hall or online through the State of Iowa.

City Annual Financial Reports – available at City Hall or viewed here (type City on budget type and Walcott under name).

City Audit/Examination Reports – available at City Hall or viewed at the State of Iowa Auditor’s website.

Animal Licenses

Every owner of a dog or cat over the age of six months shall obtain a dog or cat license on or before the first day of April of each year. The annual license fee is $3.00 for each dog or cat. Each year, proof of rabies vaccinations is required when applying for a license. No person shall keep or permit to be kept any dangerous animal. The definition of “dangerous animal” is found in Chapter 57 of the Walcott City Code. Pit bulls are included in the definition of dangerous animals. View the FAQ page or City Code for additional information.

Title VI

No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, be excluded from or participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any City program or activity.

Every effort will be made to ensure non-discrimination in all of its committees, programs, and activities. For questions or concerns, contact the City Clerk at 563.284.6571 x10.

Contact Us

Lisa Rickertsen, City Clerk

Tabetha Wright, Deputy City Clerk

128 W. Lincoln Street
PO Box 247
Walcott, IA 52773

Phone: 563.284.6571 x10

Hours: Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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