March 21, 2011
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 21st day of March, 2011. Mayor Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Koberg, Koehler, Kostichek, and Puck. Absent: Dietz. City employees present: L. Rickertsen, J. Brockmann, T. Schirman, and J. Hahn.
Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and minutes from March 7, 2011. Motion carried. Koberg abstained due to absence from meeting.
Audience: Jon White, Brent Puck, Mel Brus, and Janice Dawson.
Recreational Trail & Park Project. Engineer Jon White discussed the additional engineering fees incurred by Verbeke-Meyer for the Recreational Trail and Park Project. Discussion was held on the additional fees in the amount of $15,108. Following discussion, Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to pay Verbeke-Meyer $8,256.50 for the additional engineering fees as discussed. Motion carried. Mayor Couper asked White to look into some erosion problems at the project site near Rowe Lane and he thanked White for his work. White stated the contractor is waiting for drier weather so the project can be finished. White thanked the council and left the meeting. Committee Member Brent Puck reported on the following:
- Naming contest
- Potential ribbon cutting July 15th
- Obtaining estimates for gazebo
- Signage/Donors
- Pond level controls
- Re-circulating pump : may not be needed
Discussion was held that there was not a clay liner installed in pond. The clay liner was included in the original bid but the requirement was removed during the construction phase and it was deducted from the project cost. Brockmann stated there was no good clay soil available on site for a liner. Discussion was held on removing a few blocks from the spillway as it is too high. Koehler suggested the issue needs to be on the engineer's punch list.
Vision Committee Report. Committee members, Koberg and Puck, reported the committee is working on a welcome sign on North Main Street and Main Street enhancement.
RAGBRAI. Mayor Couper reported the RAGBRAI committee met with city staff and a route has been determined. The route must be approved by council and submitted to RAGBRAI for their approval to insure it is a safe route. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the route as presented. Motion carried. The route will come in off Walcott Road (200th Street), south on Main Street, east on James Street, south on Henry Street, west on Otis, south on Main Street, and east on Memorial Road. This route will allow for the bikers to get to Victory Park where activities and refreshments will be until 2:30 p.m. and it will also allow E. Lincoln Street to remain open.
Fastpitch Tournaments. Larry Koberg reported on the upcoming fastpitch tournaments. The fastpitch invitational tournament will be held from May 27th : May 29th , Iowa Area ISC fastpitch tournament will be from June 17th : June 25th, and for the first time, the North American fastpitch association tournament June 3rd : June 5th. He also reported on a potential WAB (Walcott Athletics Board) tournament July 9th & 10th. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to allow the fences to be installed at Wescott and Victory Parks on May 25th and be removed on July 11th at Wescott Park and partial removal at Victory Park with the remaining fence at Victory Park removed July 17th. Koberg abstained due to conflict of interest. Motion carried.
Park Board Recommendation's.
- American Legion Memorial. Mel Brus reported the Legion would like to donate a Veterans Memorial monument to be placed in the new section at Welcome Park. He presented a drawing of the monument and area and stated they are looking for donations for the concrete pad, walkway, and lighting. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the Park Boards recommendation to utilize the area at Welcome Park for a memorial donation as presented. Motion carried.
- Eastern Iowa Intensity Tournament USSA : 14. Kostichek moved and Puck seconded to approve the tournament for girls, 14 and under, at both parks on June 11th : 12th. Motion carried. The fencing will be up during this time and the tournament organizers will be charging admission.
- Lamp Shelter Roof Replacement. Kostichek moved and Koehler seconded to approve the low bidder, STP Construction, at a cost of $1,485. Puck abstained due to family conflict. Motion carried.
Sale of 1993 Ford 4X4 Pickup. Rickertsen reported three bids were received for the 1993 pickup. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to sell the 1993 Ford 4×4 pickup to the high bidder, Brockmann Excavating for $5,505. Motion carried.
Sale of 1996 Ford Crown Victoria. Rickertsen reported two bids were received for the 1996 car. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to sell the 1996 Ford Crown Victoria to the high bidder, Chicago Motors Inc. for $807. Motion carried.
Summer Youth Program. Rickertsen reported the proposed rate for a six-week summer youth program with Scott County YMCA has increased by $5.40 per participant. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve the 2011 Summer Youth Program with a fee of $60 per participant for residents of the Walcott community (inside city limits and Fire District #6) and charge the full cost of $186.30 for non-residents. Motion carried. The program will run from June 20th : July 29th.
Spring Clean-up. Kostichek moved and Puck seconded to have spring clean-up day on Saturday, May 7th from 2:5 p.m. Motion carried. This will be located at the Public Works building for Walcott residents only. No electronic, business, or household hazardous waste. Tires, appliances, and bulky items will be accepted at no charge.
Fire Department Expansion. Brockmann presented two proposals for the expansion of the Fire Station. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve the proposal with DRW Architecture for $4,400 for construction/design services and $900 for bidding services. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-14, Authorizing the Issuance of $1,980,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series, 2011A. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-14. Roll call ayes: Puck, Kostichek, Koehler, and Koberg. Motion carried. The refunding (refinancing) is for the balance of the 2006 General Obligation Sewer Improvements Bonds. With lower interest rates, the City will save approximately $50,000.
Ordinance 452-11, Amending Solid Waste Collection Fees. Koehler introduced and approved the first reading of Ordinance 452-11. Seconded by Koberg. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Koberg, Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried. This ordinance increases the refuse rate from $10.24/month to $11.74/month ($1.50/month increase) beginning with the July 1, 2011 bill. This is the first increase since July 2002.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann reported they will start with park clean-up this week but it would be another week before opening the restrooms due to concerns with a late frost. Discussion was also held on curb damage during snow removal. Brockmann stated they will be repairing damaged curbs.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen presented a draft of a purchase policy. Council had no objections to the draft and requested it be in policy form for adoption at the next regular meeting.
Attorney's Report. Schirman reported on handicap parking requirements in business districts and stated he felt there is no legal responsibility to establish residential handicapped parking areas. Discussion was held on a handicap sign request at the northeast corner of Main & Lincoln Streets. Council consensus was that there is ample on-street parking available adjacent to the location, with the farthest distance being across the street. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to decline the handicap parking request. Motion carried.
Mayor's Report. Mayor Couper reported on the following: a letter he received from Joe Taylor, Quad Cities Convention Bureau and the status of Police Chief Vaughan.
Questions/Concerns. Koberg expressed his concern with the installation of a surveillance camera in the back meeting room without authorization. Attorney Schirman reported on the legalities of camera recordings in public buildings. Chief Hahn stated that the camera is non-operational at this time. Mayor Couper ordered the camera to be removed and the issue will be placed on the agenda at the next regular meeting.
Koehler moved and Puck seconded to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.