April 4, 2016 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 4th day of April, 2016, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: Virgil Wayne Latimer. City employees present: Jeff Blake, Steve Bowman, Lisa Rickertsen, and Tom Schirman.
Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearings. Mayor Kostichek opened the public hearing on the FYE 2016 Budget Amendment. Rickertsen reported the amendment includes increased expenditures for: interfund transfers, water tower repairs, sewer equipment, and vehicle and equipment repairs. No written or oral comments were received. Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to close the hearing and open the public hearing on the real estate offer from Rita Stender to purchase 23’ of the Rowe Street ROW, adjacent to her lot. Motion carried. No oral or written comments were received. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to close the hearing and resume the regular meeting. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda, which includes the invoices, minutes from March 21, 2016, and beer permits (including Sunday license and outdoor area) for Walcott Unified Fund at Victory and Wescott Parks. Motion carried.
Resolution 2016-9, Approving Budget Amendment for FYE 2016. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2016-9. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Jackie Puck, Koehler, and Jacob Puck. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Resolution 2016-10, Approving Sale of Property to Rita Stender. Jacob Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve Resolution 2016-10. Roll call ayes: Jacob Puck, Koehler, Mengler, and Jackie Puck. Nays: None. Motion carried.
City Property Field Entrance from Main Street. Rickertsen reported on concerns from the farm tenant regarding the field entrance from Main Street. She stated there is a 20’ wide area where the sidewalk is thicker so the farm equipment can access, but the area is only marked with flags. Bowman will look into some other marking options for a more permanent marking solution.
Larry Koberg – Fastpitch Tournaments. Larry Koberg reported there will be three fastpitch softball tournament this summer. The Fastpitch Invitational will be held from May 27th – 29th and the Iowa Area ISC Qualifier Men’s Fastpitch Tournament will be from June 17th – 19th. The third tournament is scheduled July 22nd – 24th but if there are not enough teams it will not be held and no exterior fencing is needed, except for foul lines. Koberg requested fencing for both Wescott and Victory Parks for the tournaments, beginning on May 25th. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to allow the fences to be installed at Wescott and Victory Parks, beginning on May 25th and be removed on June 20th. Motion carried. This year marks the 32nd year of the Iowa Area ISC tournament in Walcott.
Downey Street Sidewalk Improvements Project.
- Designate Engineers. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded that MSA Professionals Services be designated as engineers in connection with the S. Downey Street Sidewalk Improvements Project. Motion carried.
- Resolution 2016-11, Adopt Preliminary Resolution Covering S. Downey Street Sidewalk Improvements Project. Koehler moved the adoption of a preliminary resolution, Resolution 2016-11, pursuant to Section 384.42 of the Code of Iowa. The motion was seconded by Jacob Puck with the votes as follows: Ayes: Koehler, Jacob Puck, Mengler, and Jackie Puck. Nays: Motion carried.
- Resolution 2016-12, Approving and Adopting Preliminary Plans and Specifications, Estimate of Cost, Plat and Schedule. Rickertsen stated that the Project Engineers had completed and filed the preliminary plans, specifications, estimate of cost, plat and schedule. Mengler proposed the adoption of Resolution 2016-12. The motion was seconded by Koehler. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Nays: Motion carried.
- Resolution 2016–13, Resolution of Necessity. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2016-13. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Jacob Puck, Koehler, and Jackie Puck. Nays: Motion carried. The Resolution of Necessity and preliminary plat and schedule of assessments will be filed with the Scott County Treasurer.
- Resolution 2016-14, Ordering Preparation of Detailed Plans, Specifications, Notice of Hearing, Notice to Bidders, and Form of Contract. Jacob Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve Resolution 2016-14. Roll call ayes: Jacob Puck, Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Koehler. Nays: Motion carried.
Downey Street Improvements Project.
- Request from Danny Holmes. Discussion was held on the request from Danny Holmes to concrete between the proposed hammerhead at the end of S. Downey Street and his driveway. Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to pour a concrete approach from the end of the hammerhead to his driveway (property line), at the City’s expense. Motion carried.
- Project Update. Eric Schallert reported the project plans have been revised to narrow the street to 33’ from back to back of the curbs. Additionally, a sump pump collection system pipe and manholes have been added in addition to the pavement subdrain system, and all stubs from both the sanitary system and the sump pump collection pipe are planned to be extended to the property line of each home. He reported on options and costs looked at for lining the existing sanitary sewer instead of replacing it. His recommendation was to replace the sanitary sewer line. Dennis Keitel was introduced as the new project engineer. Estimated project construction, engineering, and contingency costs are roughly $530,000.
- Resolution 2016–15, Provide for a Notice of Hearing on Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract & Cost Estimate. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve Resolution 2016-15. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Mengler, Koehler, and Jacob Puck. Nays: Motion carried. The public hearing will be on April 18th at 6:00 p.m. and bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. on April 28th.
Resolution 2016-16, Approving Official Zoning Map. Rickertsen reported a new map has been prepared to include the three rezonings approved by Ordinance since the last official Zoning Map was updated and approved. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2016-16. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, and Mengler. Nays: None. Motion carried.
City Clerk Report. Rickertsen reported on the requirements of an annual examination. The examination for FYE 2015 was approximately $4,100 and the last full audit for FYE 2012 was nearly $8,700. Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to request the State Auditor’s Office to perform an annual examination for FYE 2016. Motion carried. Koehler suggested a full audit be performed every five years. Rickertsen reported on examples of economic development incentives (TIF Rebates) from other communities and stated the need to discuss criteria that is important to council. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to table until the next regular meeting. Motion carried.
Council Comments. Koehler stated he would like to discuss S. Main weight limits at the next meeting. .
Audience Comments. John Brockmann suggested the building at 1113 N. Main Street be connected to the new storm sewer main. Brockmann also encouraged the City to have the City Engineer review the sanitary sewer work being done at Iowa 80 Truckstop. Brenda Arp and Kurt Arp were present questioning the compost facility closure. Kurt Arp questioned the reason for the closing and suggested placing security cameras at the area instead of having a guard for limited hours. Mayor Kostichek reported on past problems (illegal dumping) at the area. Discussion was held on the need to advertise for a compost guard, starting in June, and a crossing guard for the next school year.
Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.