Category: Meeting Minutes

December 19, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 19th day of December, 2011 at Walcott City Hall. Mayor Jim Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, John Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: Larry Koberg. City employees present: John Brockmann, Lisa Rickertsen, Jeff Blake, and Joe Hahn.
Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and the November 2011 financial reports. Motion carried.
Audience. Brent Puck, Mike Byington, Janice Dawson, Wayne Latimer, Josie Dietz, and Lisa, Brett, & Garrett Mengler.
Minutes. Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the minutes from 12/05/2011. Kostichek abstained due to absence at meeting. Motion carried.
Recreational Trail & Park Project.
  • Resolution 2011-64, Approving Change Orders #5 & #6. Rickertsen explained that change order #5 was a deduction in the amount of $15,216.32 due to field quantity of line items and change order #6 was a deduction of $7,000 for liquidated damages for overrun in working days. Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-64. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried.
  • Resolution 2011-65, Accepting Improvements and Authorizing Final Payment. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-65. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, Kostichek, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried. The final payment to McCarthy Improvements is $27,450.82 bringing the total contractor payment to $855,999.21.
North Downey Street Project.
  • Resolution 2011-66, Accepting Improvements and Authorizing Final Payment. Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-66. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, Koehler, and Kostichek. Motion carried. The final payment to Muscatine Bridge Company is $29,611.31 bringing the total contractor payment to $250,959.75.
North Lift Station Improvements Project.
  • Resolution 2011-67, Awarding Contract. Rickertsen reported there were twelve bidders and the low bidder was Jim Schroeder Construction. Discussion was held with Brockmann on the bid alternate of a flow meter. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-67 with a contract amount of $371,895 (base bid plus alternate A). Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, and Kostichek.
Vision Committee. Committee member Brent Puck explained the committee's planned agenda for the proposed community meeting on January 25th. The meeting's activities should facilitate the committee's goals of obtaining and organizing public input regarding city-owned facilities. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve the proposed flyer and the community meeting on January 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the Walcott Coliseum. Motion carried. The flyer will be included in the next water bill. Discussion was held on whether or not to have some rough financial estimates for the three scenarios during the vision meeting. Koehler offered to obtain estimates. Further discussion was held that the Vision Committee is a committee approved by the City Council and the committee studies and makes recommendations to council on specific issues as assigned by the council. All committee meetings are posted and open to the public.
Sewage Lagoon/Sludge Removal & Disposal. Brockmann presented information from Verbeke-Meyer on engineering and surveying services to remove the existing sludge in the north central lagoon cell and dispose in accordance with state regulations and requirements. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to obtain bids from at least two engineering firms and bring back to a future meeting. Motion carried.
Approval of Iowa 80 Truckstop TIF Rebate Application. Rickertsen statedthis is for a new commercial building with construction planned for next spring. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the TIF rebate application from Iowa 80 Truckstop. Motion carried.
Approval of T & C Storage TIF Rebate Application. Rickertsen explained this is for a storage unit that was constructed a few months ago. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve the TIF rebate application from T & C Storage. Motion carried.
TIF Rebate Program. Discussion was held on the current TIF rebate program that expires December 31, 2011. Rickertsen will prepare a Resolution, extending the current program until December 31, 2012, for the next meeting.
Fire Department Report. Chief Hahn presented his report including the Fire Department officer election results for 2012 : Fire Chief : Joe Hahn, 1st Assistant : Josh Geigle, and 2nd Assistant : Jim Kirkley. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to appoint Joe Hahn as Fire Chief, term ending 12/31/12. Motion carried.
Appointments by Mayor. Mayor Couper made the following appointments:
Park Board. Bridget Geigle to Park Board with a term ending 12/31/16. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the Mayor's appointment. Motion carried.
Council Committees:
Police, Fire, Street Lights, Animal Control, Civil Defense, ZBA, Forever Green : Kostichek & Jacob Puck
Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste : Koehler & Mengler
Streets, Parks, Equipment Operations : Jacob Puck & Koehler
Policy & Administration, Mayor, Council, Clerk, Treasurer, P&Z, Elections, City Hall & Building : Mengler & Jackie Puck
Water Plant Operations, Distributions & Maintenance : Jackie Puck & Kostichek
Mayor Pro Tem : Kostichek
Appointments by Council. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to reappoint Mike Byington to the Planning & Zoning Commission, term ending 12/31/16. Motion carried. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to reappoint David Trees to the Planning & Zoning Commission, term ending 12/31/16. Motion carried. Kostichek moved and Koehler seconded to reappoint Jason Holdorf to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, term ending 12/31/16. Motion carried.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented his report including an equipment purchase request for a new Case 570 MXT tractor loader. With a trade-in of the City's 2006 tractor loader, the purchase price would be $49,650. Following discussion regarding the need, uses, cost, and other options available, Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the purchase of a new Case 570 MXT tractor loader from Titan Machinery, not to exceed $49,650. Ayes: Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, and Kostichek. Nays: Koehler. Motion carried. Two proposals were received for removing an oak tree located in city right-of-way on Cedar Lane Drive. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to hire Frank's Tree Service to remove the oak tree at a cost not to exceed $1,800. Motion carried. Brockmann also reported the unstable soil condition around the pond has delayed the installation of a temporary fence around the pond at Prairie View Park.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reminded the council that City Hall will be closed December 23rd, 26th, and January 2nd. She stated that garbage collection will be on Tuesdays, December 27th & January 3rd and the next regular council meeting will be on Tuesday, January 3rd. A special council meeting workshop will be held on January 12th at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall to watch an online training session, presented by the Iowa League of Cities.
City Attorney Report. Attorney Schirman updated the council on the recent property purchase of 106 W. Lincoln Street and the upcoming purchase of the Wulf property (lift station project).
Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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December 5, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 5th day of December, 2011 at WalcottCity Hall. Mayor Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: John Kostichek and Larry Koberg. City employees present: J. Brockmann, L. Rickertsen, and J. Blake.

Mayor Couper reported item six (Vision Committee) would be removed from the agenda and placed on the next agenda and items seven (Engineering & Surveying Fees for Sewage Lagoon/Sludge Removal & Disposal) and twelve (Purchase Approval of Case 570MXT Tractor) were requested to be removed by J. Brockmann. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda with the three deletions as discussed. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Jackie Puck questioned a bill from Verbeke-Meyer. J. Brockmann responded it was a non-contract item for the change order request which he approved the engineer to proceed. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and minutes from 11/21/2011. Motion carried.

Audience. Brent Puck, Lisa Mengler, Janice Dawson, Wayne and Beth Latimer, Mary Lincoln, Josie Dietz, and Loretta Beitel.

North Downey Street Project. Discussion was held on the change order request regarding additional gravel at the south end of North Downey Street. Following discussion Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-63, Approving Change Order. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried. This change order is in the amount of $2,308.50, bringing the total project construction amount to $258,477.25.

Approval of TIF Rebate Application. Rickertsen stated the application is from Sterling Partners LLC for a multi-use building in the Iowa 80 Sixth Addition. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the application from Sterling Partners LLC. Motion carried. Rickertsen will contact the bonding attorney to initiate development agreement proceedings.

TIF Rebate Program. This topic was tabled until the next meeting since two council members were absent.

Police Department Report. Blake presented a project worksheet for purchase approval of two bulletproof vests. Following discussion, Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve purchasing two vests from Panther Uniform at a cost of $1,134. Motion carried.

Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented his report including the following:

  • Completion of gazebo at PrairieViewPark.
  • Underground boring completed at PrairieViewPark and WelcomePark. Brockmann reported the contractor, Bortec Inc. (Reed & Shauna Storjohann), donated the labor for the boring at WelcomePark and that Walcott Day Committee was paying for the boring materials.
  • Problems with a variable speed drive at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reported she received confirmation that the State Auditor's Office would perform the audit required for FYE 2012 at a range of $8,200- $8,800.

City Attorney Report. Attorney Schirman reported the closing on the Wulf property (lift station project) and the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street should both occur prior to the next meeting.

Questions/Concerns. Discussion was held on the notice of violation received from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for a NPDES permit for the North Downey Street Project. Brockmann reported that Engineer Jon White responded to the IDNR addressing the issues.

Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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November 21, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 21st day of November, 2011 at WalcottCity Hall. Mayor Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Larry Koberg, Tim Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: John Kostichek. City employees present: J. Brockmann, L. Rickertsen, and J. Blake.

Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Mayor Couper opened the Public Hearing on the Plans, Specifications, Cost Estimate, and Form of Contract for the North Lift Station Improvements Project. Rickertsen stated the construction cost estimate with contingency is $418,777. No other oral or written comments were received. Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from 11/07/2011, minutes from 11/16/2011, October 2011 Financial Reports, Resolution 2011-59, Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, Koberg, and Jake Puck. Motion carried.

Audience. Brent Puck, Lisa Mengler, Janice Dawson, Wayne and Beth Latimer, Howard Johnson, Nicole Dunkel, and Dick Hagen.

Alliant Energy. Alliant Energy representative, Nicole Dunkel, was present to discuss Alliant Energy's community involvement and investments in Walcott including infrastructure investments, energy-saving services, and tree planting program. Customer forms and information can be found online at their website at

Resolution 2011-60, Obligating Funds from the Consolidated Walcott Urban Renewal Area. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-60. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, and Koberg. Motion carried. This resolution obligates $96,556 from the Consolidated Walcott Urban Renewal Tax Revenue Fund with respect to the City's Development Agreements with Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc., T&C Storage, and Ossian Inc. for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012.

Resolution 2011-61, Obligating Funds from the Walcott Urban Renewal Area #2. Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-61. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, and Koehler. Motion carried. This resolution obligates $63,000 from the Walcott Urban Renewal Area No. 2 Revenue Fund with respect to the City's Development Agreement with Petersen Health Care for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012.

North Lift Station Improvements Project. Brockmann and Project Engineer Howard Johnson presenting their differing opinions on the proposed amendment in the amount of $4,800 to the Engineering Agreement with Shive-Hattery and the City for the North Lift Station Improvements Project. Following discussion, Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve an amendment to the agreement in the amount of $3,100. Motion carried. Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-62, Approving Plans & Specifications. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried. Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve a payment to Shive-Hattery in the amount of $2,100.78. Motion carried.

Recreational Trail Project. Brockmann present a project worksheet and recommended installing a permanent fence around the pond. He stated he felt the pond is a hazard during the winter. Brent Puck reported that the Trail Committee members were unanimous in their opposition to a permanent fence. They understand the safety concern during winter months but felt that clearing snow on the trail will assist in defining the area and tall grasses will eventually create a natural border. Brent Puck suggested stakes and rope around the pond as it would help define the area during the winter months. Following discussion, Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to install a temporary snow fence for this year. Motion carried. The council will revisit the issue after one more season of growth. Rickertsen reported the project engineer has been working on final grant documents and scheduled a project meeting with the Iowa Department of Transportation in early December. Discussion was held on the project amenities and the final project punch list.

Police Department Report. Blake presented a proposed snow emergency policy which includes utilizing the odd-even parking system during snow emergencies. The change will be incorporated in the re-codification process.

Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented his report including obtaining a cost estimate for installing a new watermain on James Street to improve the system and reported on a change order for the N. Downey Street Improvements Project for additional rock at cul-de-sac. The change order will be on the next agenda.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen presented her report including the following:

  • Reminder that minutes are a record of council action and topic of discussion.
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at WalcottSchool on Friday December 2, 2011, at noon.
  • Ossian Inc. has been notified of recent complaints and a new tarp is scheduled to be installed November 28th.
  • Mediacom is increasing rates on or about December 15, 2011.
  • City offices will be closed November 24th & 25th.
  • Attorney Schirman is waiting on updated abstracts for the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street and the Wulf property.

Concerns/New Business. Mayor Couper stated he was approached about moving the election voting location to the building at 1113 N. Main Street. Discussion was held on the dim lights on the flags at WelcomePark. Brockmann stated Walcott Day Committee is paying to upgrade the electrical at the park. Brockmann stated the property at 1113 N. Main Street has been winterized and they will start disconnecting utilities upon ownership of the building at 106 W. Lincoln Street. Mayor Couper questioned the specifics regarding the proposed public meeting facilitated by the Vision Committee. Brent Puck reported it will be a community forum to gather ideas and obtain input from citizens on alternatives and scenarios for city buildings/properties. The Vision Committee will then bring information back to council as the committee has no ability to make decisions on behalf of the City. Discussion was held on the formation of the committee, members, & terms. The topic will be on the next regular agenda.

Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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November 16, 2011 – Special Meeting – City Code Review

A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Walcott, Iowa was held on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, with Mayor Couper calling the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Council members present were: Larry Koberg, Tim Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: Kostichek. City employees present were: L. Rickertsen and J. Blake.

Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Ayes: All. Motion carried.

Chapters 145 : 162 (Building and Property Regulations) of the Walcott Code of Ordinances were reviewed and discussed. Rickertsen will forward the proposed changes, as discussed, to Iowa Codification to incorporate in the recodifcation process. Rickertsen reported that the Zoning & Subdivision Chapters (165-168) are currently being thoroughly reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Discussion was held on a proposed snow emergency parking policy presented by Blake. The topic will be listed on a future council agenda. Rickertsen will prepare an article for the newsletter to encourage parking on the side with even addresses on even numbered days and on the side with odd numbered addresses on odd numbered days for those who do not have any off street parking available during snowfalls.

Jackie Puck moved and Koberg seconded to adjourn at 6:25 p.m. Ayes: All. Motion carried.

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November 7, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 7th day of November, 2011. Mayor Pro Tem John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Other council members present were: Larry Koberg, Tim Koehler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. City employees present: J. Brockmann, L. Rickertsen, J. Blake, and T. Schirman.

Jacob Puck moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Mayor Pro Tem Kostichek opened the Public Hearing on the Budget Amendment for FYE 2012. Rickertsen stated the budget needs to be amended due to property purchase and bond refinancing. No other oral or written comments were received. Koberg moved and Koehler seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting.

Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from 10/17/2011, and minutes from 10/24/2011. Motion carried.

Audience. Brent Puck, Mike Byington, Lisa Mengler, Janice Dawson, Wayne and Beth Latimer, Loretta Beitel, Josie Dietz, Mary Lincoln, Dave Meier, Drew, Deke, and Reed Hagen, and John and Josh Friede.

Vision Committee. Mike Byington and Brent Puck were present on behalf of the Vision Committee. Byington stated that according to a recent article in the North Scott Press, it seemed like the use of the building at 1113 N. Main Street as a City Hall has already been decided and he questioned if the Committee should proceed. Koehler responded he had not read the article, but based on Byington's comments did not agree with the article and stated there needs to be an all-inclusive plan. Byington stated the Committee would like to hold a community forum to obtain input and look at all city properties. The Committee would also like to modify and update results from the 2008 "Which Way, Walcott?" meeting, talk with the community, staff, and catalog the information to present to the council. Jackie Puck commented that she felt it would be a worthwhile exercise. Koehler stated he didn't believe the council could make spending decisions without obtaining additional information. Brent Puck stated a community meeting would not be just about city buildings but other short and long term goals. Following further discussion, Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to allow the Vision Committee to obtain further information and organize a community meeting in January. Motion carried. Jacob Puck stated he would like to have an open house at the property at 1113 N. Main Street.

On behalf of the Recreational Trail Committee, Brent Puck distributed a preliminary logo for Prairie View Park. Responding to a question from the audience, Brent Puck stated the trail was intended to be utilized during the winter with the understanding that removing snow from the recreational trail would not be done until city streets are cleared.

Iowa 80 Sixth Addition. Attorney Schirman reported he has received and reviewed all final platting documents with the exception of the performance bond which should be received from the bonding company in the morning. Following further discussion, Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-57, Approval of Final Plat for Iowa 80 Sixth Addition, contingent upon receiving the required bonds. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Koberg, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck and Kostichek. Motion carried. Jackie Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-58, Approving Site Plan for Lot 1 of Iowa 80 Sixth Addition. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Koberg, Jacob Puck, Koehler, and Kostichek. Motion carried.

Resolution 2011-52, Approving Budget amendment for FYE 2012. Kostichek moved and Koehler seconded to approve Resolution 2011-52. Roll call ayes: Kostichek, Koehler, Koberg, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried.

North Lift Station Improvements Project. Koberg moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-53, Provide for Notice of Hearing on Plans & Specifications. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, Koehler, and Koberg. Motion carried. The hearing will be at 6:00 p.m. on November 21st and bids will be accepted and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on December 14, 2011. Attorney Schirman provided an update on purchasing the Wulf property. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-54, Approving Purchase Offer with Wilbert and Joyce Wulf. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, Koberg, and Kostichek. Motion carried.

Flagg Street Paving Project. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-55, Approving Contract & Bonds for the Flagg Street Paving Project. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Kostichek, Jacob Puck, Koehler, and Koberg. Motion carried.

106 W. Lincoln Street. Attorney Schirman reported the bank has submitted a counter offer on the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street. Schirman stated that the offer details are typical with foreclosed property. Discussion was held on regarding a Phase I environmental study. Following discussion, Jacob Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-56, Approving Purchase Offer with Citicorp Trust Bank FSB/Citimortgage Inc. without proceeding with a Phase I study. Roll call ayes: Jacob Puck, Kostichek, Jackie Puck, Koehler, and Koberg. Motion carried. The offer includes a purchase of $22,000 including a down payment of $2,500.

1113 N. Main Street. Attorney Schirman reported he has reviewed documents for accuracy. Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to proceed with the closing and authorize a final payment of $166,250. Motion carried.

Fire Station Expansion Project. Brockmann presented a project worksheet for roof repairs, which he stated was routine maintenance. Questions arose and discussion was held that only one bid was received. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve hiring White Roofing to do repairs as stated in their proposal at a cost not to exceed $1,200. Motion carried. Jackie Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve the remaining expansion improvements, not to exceed $4,000. Motion carried.

Approval of TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Rebate Payments. Rickertsen reported there are currently six rebate agreements in effect for this fiscal year but only three of the agreements qualify for a partial year rebate at this time. Koberg moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the TIF rebates to Iowa 80 Truckstop (2 rebates – $21,977.25) and Exit 284 Land & Development ($2,594.96), total amount of $24,572.11. Motion carried.

2012 Employee Benefits Renewal. Rickertsen reported the health insurance renewal rates increased approximately 6.38% and the dental increased approximately 3%. She also reported the increase was within budgeted amounts. Questions arose on moving Brockmann to a Medicare Plan, as discussed in May, 2010. The City would reimburse Brockmann for all costs and have a potential savings of approximately $6,000/year. Brockmann stated he wants to continue with the current plan as other employees as change sometimes is not good. Following further discussion, Koberg moved and Koehler seconded to approve the 2012 Employee Benefits Renewal with Wellmark. Motion carried.

Snow Emergency Parking. Following discussion, Blake and Brockmann will work on an ordinance recommendation for snow emergency parking and bring back to council at a future meeting.

Police Department Report. Blake reported on current department activities, including that Racom came out, following the last council meeting with the Board of Supervisors, and made some repairs which has improved their radio system in most areas.

Public Work's Report. Brockmann updated council on recent department projects including the north water tower cleaning, gazebo, leaf pick-up, and sealing the exterior block walls on the new fire department expansion. Questions arose on the lack of guardrails on the newly opened Blue Grass Road/Y-40, and Brockmann responded that he spoke with the County Engineer and guardrails are not required as they are box culverts.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reminded council that city offices would be closed Friday, November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day.

Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:10 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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October 17, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 17th day of October, 2011. Mayor Jim Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Larry Koberg, Tim Koehler, John Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. City employees present: J. Brockmann, L. Rickertsen, J. Hahn, T. Schirman, and A. Hill.

Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from 10/03/2011, minutes from 10/05/2011, and the September 2011 financial reports. Motion carried.

Audience. Scott County Supervisors Tom Sunderbruch, Jim Hancock, Larry Minard, William Cusack, and Carol Earnhardt, citizens Brent Puck, Mike Byington, Lisa Mengler, Kristal Schaefer, Janice Dawson, and Virgil & Beth Latimer.

Scott County Supervisors. Sunderbruch presented a brochure on Scott County services, budget, and goals. Minard stated Scott County will celebrate its 175th birthday in 2012 and reported the PutnamMuseum is coordinating activities for the event. Fire Chief, Joe Hahn, and Police Sergeant, Adam Hill, both reported on issues (dead spots) with the new radio system. Hill also reported on issues with the new county-wide software the police department is having. Sunderbruch stated that they are working on taking care of the software issues and this is the first time they have heard of any problems with the radio system. The supervisors stated they would welcome information from both departments regarding the issues as discussed so they can look into the complaints.

Preliminary Plat : Iowa 80 6th Addition. Rickertsen reported that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat for Iowa 80 6th Addition but noted that the driveways indicated on the plat are for informational purposes as they are not required to be shown on the plat. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-49, Approval of Preliminary Plat for Iowa 80 6th Addition. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Koberg, Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried.

N. Downey Street Project. Koberg moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve payment #1 to Muscatine Bridge Co. in the amount of $224,348.44. Motion carried. The payment is for completion of approximately 92% of the project.

Fire Station Expansion Project. Koehler questioned if warranties were received on the roof. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-50, Accepting Improvements & Authorizing Final Payment, contingent upon receiving any warranties on materials. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried.

Real Estate Purchases.

  • Resolution 2011-51, Approving Purchase Offer for 1113 N. Main Street. Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-51. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, Koberg, Koehler, and Kostichek. The total purchase amount for the property at1113 N. Main Street is $183,750. Discussion involving both audience and council members was held regarding the following:
    • There was no clear consensus as to the actual future use of the building at 1113 N. Main Street.
    • The Vision Committee offered to compile information from the community and various sources regarding potential options for municipal facilities.

Rickertsen reported she will place the Vision Committee and municipal facilities on the next agenda.

  • 106 W. Lincoln Street & Witt Property. Koehler questioned if the properties have value and if the City can afford them. Rickertsen stated there are funds available in the Municipal Building Fund but it depends on what the City's overall plan is and cautioned spending funds at this time. Following further discussion, Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to rescind previous motions regarding the purchase of the Witt property and to not pursue the purchase at this time. Ayes: Jackie Puck, Kostichek, Jacob Puck, and Koehler. Nays: Koberg. Motion carried. Koehler stated he felt there was still value in purchasing the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street and he moved and Jacob Puck seconded to continue to pursue purchasing the property. Motion carried.

Fire Department Report. Discussion was held on compensating volunteer fire department members that receive a subpoena for performing duties as a volunteer. Chief Hahn and Rickertsen will check with other communities for policies. Chief Hahn reported he felt the remaining work on the expansion area should be less than $5,000. He will present a project worksheet at a future meeting.

Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented updates on current projects and activities. He reported it would cost approximately $1,200 for sod in place of the additional turf reinforcement matting (TRM) along Rowe Lane for the Recreational Trail & Park Project. During the last regular meeting, council approved proceeding with the TRM and ditch grading at a cost not to exceed $4,200. Brockmann stated he will be adding additional rock to the proposed gazebo area and Rickertsen questioned if it was in the flood plain. Brockmann responded that he didn't think the area was in the flood plain. Koehler requested a list of costs related to the Recreational Trail and Park Project that is being done by city staff instead of the contractor. Brockmann also stated he will be requesting approval from the Park Board to install a 3-foot green chain link fence around the pond.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reported on the disclosure agreement with Bankers Trust relating to the 2011 General Obligation Bonds. Koberg moved and Koehler seconded to approve hiring Bankers Trust as the dissemination agent in connection with the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A. Motion carried. Earlier this year the 2006 bonds for the wastewater treatment plant were refinanced. The bonds will be paid off in June, 2016. Rickertsen reported that the budget needs to be amended due to the recent purchase of the building located at 1113 N. Main Street. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to set a public hearing for the budget amendment on November 7, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

City Attorney Report. Attorney Schirman reported that he has not received any information from Wulf's attorney regarding the purchase of agriculture land for the sewer lift station project but he did receive the appraisal which was $2,425.

Questions/Concerns. Kostichek reported on some non-operable street lights. It was discussed that Alliant Energy has an online form at for the public to report a street light that is out, blinking, damaged or needs other repairs.

Koberg moved and Kostichek seconded to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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October 5, 2011 – Special Meeting

A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Walcott, Iowa was held on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, with Mayor Couper calling the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Council members present were: Koehler, Koberg, Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. City employees present were: L. Rickertsen and J. Brockmann. Several citizens were in attendance.

Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Ayes: All. Motion carried.

The meeting was held to discuss purchasing property, particularly the petition received during the October 3rd meeting regarding the request for the City to attend the auction at 1113 N. Main Street on October 13th to purchase the building and renovate it for City Hall. Koberg reported on issues at the state level regarding a proposal to lower the commercial property taxes, which will affect the City's property tax revenue. He stated he felt there were three options: purchase the property and renovate later, do not purchase any property, or delay future projects in order to purchase property at 1113 N. Main Street and renovate it now. Discussion ensued involving various audience and council members in regards to possible options and renovation costs for the property. Questions also arose on the City's intent to purchase two properties near City Hall on Lincoln Street. Koberg stated the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street is in disrepair and viewed demolition as an enhancement to the community. Jacob Puck also responded that the original idea was to purchase the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street when the adjacent property became available. The intention was to create parking and/or green space and not to build a new City Hall at this time.

Brent Puck, representing the Vision Committee, stated during the May 2008 Visioning Event, a new City Hall was on both the short and long term lists of wants. He stated it needs to be discussed and the City needs a long term plan, involving all departments, as to what the City wants their future to be. Puck stated the petition only had two options but there are further possibilities and this is a seed to start discussion. Other audience members commented they felt it was a good investment to purchase the property at 1113 N. Main Street but future meetings should also be held to discuss options.

Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to go into a closed session under Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 (1) (J) to discuss the purchase of particular real estate. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Kostichek, Koberg, Koehler, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried. All audience members left the council chambers and the following employees were authorized to remain: L. Rickertsen and J. Brockmann. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to close the closed session and resume the special meeting at 7:50 p.m. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, Kostichek, and Koberg.

Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to authorize John Brockmann to attend the real estate auction at 1113 N. Main Street on October 13, 2011, and bid on the property as discussed during the closed meeting. Motion carried.

Jackie Puck moved and Koberg seconded to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Ayes: All. Motion carried.

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September 19, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 19th day of September, 2011. Mayor Jim Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Larry Koberg, Tim Koehler, John Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. City employees present: J. Brockmann, L. Rickertsen, J. Blake, T. Schirman, and J. Hahn.

Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Public Hearing. Mayor Couper opened the public hearing on the plans and specifications for the Flagg Street Paving Project. No written or oral comments were received. Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting. Motion carried.

Audience. Jon White, Jason Holdorf, Kris Burt, Rudy Arp, Virgil Lund, and Jim Kuehl.

Consent Agenda. Koberg stated the minutes from the last meeting should be corrected to reflect the approval of minutes was from the August 15th meeting. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes, and August 2011 financial reports. Motion carried.

RAGBRAI Update. Kris Burt provided a financial report of the RAGBRAI event. She reported that seven local organizations will split the profits. Mayor Couper thanked Burt for her successful organization of the event.

Resolution 2011-45, Approving Plans & Specifications for W. Flagg Street. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-45. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, Koehler, & Jacob Puck.

Recreational Trail & Park Project.

  • Punch List. Engineer, Jon White, reported on the meeting with the contractor regarding the project punch list. Discussion was held on the proposed resolutions for each punch list item. Questions arose and discussion was held on why the clay liner was not installed in the pond. Committee Member, Jason Holdorf, reported on the progress of the seeding and establishment of plantings.
  • Gazebo & Amenities. Attorney Schirman reported that no timely bids were received and the Iowa Code allows the city to negotiate a contract with contractors regularly engaged in such work after making a good faith effort to obtain quotes. Following discussion, Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to allow the staff to move forward with purchasing amenities and obtaining quotes from specialized contractors. Motion carried.

Vision Committee. Kostichek moved and Koberg seconded to allow the Vision Committee to proceed with obtaining information regarding the Main Street Iowa Program. Motion carried.

Property for Sewer Lift Station Project. Attorney Schirman stated the appraiser is meeting with the property owners on September 20th and the appraisal should be available for the next regular meeting.

Real Estate Offers : Resolution 2011-46, Approving Purchase Offer with Charles and Sandra Witt. Rickertsen reported on the counter offer from Charles & Sandra Witt on their property located at the north-west corner of Lincoln & Main Streets. Discussion was held on the status of the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street and the intended use of the properties. Following discussion, Kostichek moved and Koehler seconded to approve Resolution 2011-46, with the offer being contingent upon the City acquiring the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street. Roll call ayes: Kostichek, Koehler, Koberg, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried. Brockmann distributed information on the IDNR Derelict Building Grant Program. Further information on the program will be obtained.

Fire Department Report. Chief Hahn was present to request permission to close E. Bryant Street from Main Street to Henry Street for the Fire Department Steak Fry on October 1, 2011. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve closing E. Bryant Street between Main Street and Henry Street on October 1, 2011. Motion carried. Hahn also requested payment to Kalmes Catering for the steaks. Koberg moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve payment to Kalmes Catering, not to exceed $7,500. Chief Hahn stated the remaining steaks will either be auctioned during the event or purchased by the Fire Department Association. Kostichek questioned how the new Scott County emergency system is affecting the department. Discussion was held on the problems that both the fire and police departments are having with the new system. Rickertsen reported the County Supervisors have asked to attend the October 17th at which time the concerns could be discussed with them. Mayor Couper requested both department document further issues with the system.

Police Department Report. Chief Blake reported on the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau multi-jurisdictional enforcement event that occurred in Walcott on September 9th.

Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented updates on current projects, including the North Downey Street and Fire Department Expansion projects. Mayor Couper requested the council be updated at the end of each week with any project issues.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen discussed the updated job descriptions for employees. Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-47, Approving Job Descriptions. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, and Koehler. Motion carried. A special meeting was scheduled for October 24th at 5:30 p.m. to discuss possible code changes.

Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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October 3, 2011 Minutes

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 3rd day of October, 2011. Mayor Jim Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Larry Koberg, Tim Koehler, John Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. City employees present: J. Brockmann, L. Rickertsen, J. Hahn, T. Schirman, and A. Hill.

Koberg moved and Koehler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Kostichek moved and Koehler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and minutes from 09/19/2011. Motion carried.

Audience. Joe Taylor, Chip Witt, Sam Witt, Brent Puck, Janice Dawson, Dick Hagen, and Mary Lincoln.

Joe Taylor, Quad Cities Convention Bureau. Joe Taylor was present to report on the RAGBRAI event. He stated there were approximately 18,000 riders from Coralville to Davenport and that they are requesting Davenport be the final day for the 2022 ride which will be RAGBRAI's 50th year. Mayor Couper & Koberg thanked him for his efforts in promoting Walcott as a pass-through town for RAGBRAI.

Fire Station Expansion Project Update. Brockmann and Project Contractor, Mike Sissel both provided updates on the project. Sissel also commented that the old roof is in need of repairs. Koehler questioned the material costs for the remaining items the fire department members intend to do relating to the expansion project. Chief Hahn was not present at the time so Rickertsen stated the Fire Chief is working on gathering costs.

Derelict Building Grant. Koberg stated the grant mainly relates to deconstruction costs, and not demolition. The grant deadline is November 1st and each project must have a landfill diversion component through the recycling and reuse of materials. Following further discussion, it was agreed to table the grant application at this time as the timing doesn't fit.

Real Estate Purchases.

  • 106 W. Lincoln Street. Discussion was held on requiring a Phase 1 environmental study for the property. Following discussion, Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to offer $22,000 for the property with the City paying for a Phase 1 study and that the offer is contingent upon the City acquiring the Witt property. Motion carried.
  • Witt Property. Chip & Sam Witt were present to discuss the offer made on their property located at the north-west corner of Lincoln & Main Streets. Discussion was held on the City paying for the Phase 1 environmental study. Kostichek moved and Jacob Puck seconded to change the offer on the Witt property to include the City paying for the Phase 1 study, lowering the purchase price to $65,000, contingent upon the City acquiring the property at 106 and setting the closing date to no later than December 30, 2011. Motion carried.
  • Purchases. Brockmann questioned why the council is tying the two properties together and suggested they not be. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck moved to reconsider the motion regarding the purchase of the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street. Motion carried. Kostichek moved and Jacob Puck seconded to reconsider the motion made on the Witt property. Motion carried. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to combine the two reconsidered motions and amend as follows: offer $22,000 for the property at 106 W. Lincoln Street and $65,000 for the Witt property with the City to pay for the Phase 1 study of both parcels and a closing date by December 30, 2011. Motion carried.
  • Sewer Lift Station Property Acquisition. Schirman reported on the appraised amount of the property and stated if the property was purchased through condemnation procedures, the total cost of everything, including property and legal, abstracting, and court fees, would be approximately $10,000. Following further discussion, Jackie Puck moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve accepting the terms from Wilbert & Joyce Wulf for purchasing .238 acres of their property for $20,000. Motion carried. This property is needed for upgrading the sewer lift station near Wulf Road.

Recreational Trail & Park Project.

  • Project Punch List. Brockmann reported on the progress of the punch list items. A few items still have not been completed. The contractor, McCarthy Improvements, notified the City that the seeding was on hold until the Council decides on how to proceed with the additional turf reinforcement matting along Rowe Lane.
  • Rowe Lane : Turf Reinforcement Matting & Ditch Grading. Brockmann reported the cost for additional turf reinforcement matting (TRM) and grading the ditch to drain to the culvert along Rowe Lane would cost approximately $4,180. He stated he felt it needs to be done but the City shouldn't pay for it. Brent Puck stated the contractor did what was designed to be done. Further discussion was held that if it was designed correctly the items would have been in the original contract. Koberg moved and Jackie Puck seconded to proceed with the TRM & ditch grading at a cost not to exceed $4,200. Motion carried. Brockmann will obtain an additional cost estimate for the work. Brockmann was instructed to contact Engineer, Jon White, regarding the punch list items and obtain a date on when the remaining items will be completed.
  • Gazebo & Seating Areas. Brockmann reported that the area where the gazebo is proposed to be located will flood so they will be faced with problems in cleaning it up. Brent Puck stated the Committee was aware that the area does occasionally flood but felt it could be easily cleaned up. Jackie Puck moved and Koberg seconded to accept the low bids and to approve hiring Hardy Lawn Furniture for the gazebo at a cost of $31,000 and Paustian Concrete for the concrete work (gazebo floor & 2 seating areas) at a cost of $14,534. Motion carried.

Flagg Street Paving Project. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-48, Awarding Contract for the Flagg Street Paving Project. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Kostichek, Koberg, Koehler, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried. The contract was awarded to the low bidder, N.J. Miller Inc., in the amount of $93,157.25. Brockmann will oversee the project.

Victory Park North Shelter Roof Project. Koberg moved and Koehler seconded to award the project to the low bidder, Brian Ganzer Roofing & Carpentry, at a total cost of $2,930. Motion carried.

Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented updates on current projects, including the North Downey Street and Blue Grass Road Bridge Project. He also stated they would be flushing fire hydrants in the next few weeks. Mayor Couper questioned power washing the water tower. Brockmann stated he is waiting on a contractor.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reported an employee inquired about purchasing additional life insurance. The City currently pays for $20,000 term life insurance on each full-time employee. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to allow employees to purchase additional life insurance, through the City's carrier, at the employee's cost. Motion carried.

Questions/Concerns. Brockmann presented information regarding purchase and renovation costs and advocated purchasing and using the building at 1113 N. Main Street to relocate City Hall/Police Department. Mayor Couper read the minutes from February 15, 2010, that stated the council discussed the building at 1113 N. Main Street for possible municipal use but following discussion of the age, layout, size, remodeling costs, and future planning, the council unanimously agreed not to pursue purchasing the building at that time. Mayor Couper stated he felt it is too costly to build new and he feels the Main Street property is in the center of town and would be a more central location and would benefit the City. Discussion was held on financing and renovation costs and expending funds at this time. Brockmann stated he felt some people are unwilling to consider the purchase because they just want to build a new City Hall. Rickertsen responded that she has heard it stated that she only wants to build a new building but she assured the council that is an inaccurate statement. Her concerns with the purchase or renovation of a municipal building at this time involve financial considerations, particularly due to a recent legislative attempt regarding cutting the commercial property valuations by 40% and it appears it will be attempted in the next legislative session. Mary Lincoln presented a petition for the City to attend the auction at 1113 N. Main Street on October 13th to purchase the building and renovate it for City Hall. Brent Puck stated a comprehensive look is needed for all city departments. Mayor Couper stated no action can be taken on the property as it is not listed on the agenda. Attorney Schirman questioned if he should proceed with the offers on the two properties near City Hall. A special meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5th at 6:30 p.m. to discuss all proposed property purchases.

Review of City Code. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to table the review and discussion of the City Code. Motion carried.

Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to adjourn at 8:17 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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August 15, 2011

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 15th day of August, 2011. Mayor Jim Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, John Kostichek, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: Larry Koberg. City employees present: L. Rickertsen and T. Schirman.

Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. The minutes from 08/01/2011 were removed from the consent agenda due to Koehler's absence from the last meeting. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and July 2011 Financial reports. Motion carried.

Minutes from 08/01/2011. Jacob Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the minutes from 08/01/2011. Koehler abstained due to absence. Motion carried.

Fire Station Expansion Project.

  • Resolution 2011-40, Approving Change Order. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2011-40. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried. This change order adds $2,864.63 for excavation of unsatisfactory soil conditions, bringing the contract total to $61,634.83.
  • Payment Request #1. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve payment request #1 to Sissel Construction, LLC, in the amount of $14,183.93. Motion carried.

Recreational Trail & Park Project.

  • Project Punch List. Discussion was held on adding items to the project punch list prepared by Engineer, Jon White. Following discussion, Rickertsen will draft a letter to White with the additional items as discussed and request a proposed resolution from the engineer and/or contractor prior to the September 6th meeting.
  • Purchase of Additional Park/Trail Rules Signs. Kostichek moved and Jacob Puck seconded to purchase four additional signs from Signs Now at a total cost of $948.28. Motion carried.
  • Amenities Package Engineering Fees. Following discussion, Kostichek moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the Verbeke-Meyer engineering fees, in the amount of $8,500, for the Recreational Trail & Park Amenities package. Motion carried. This fee does not include construction management and project closeout services.
  • Resolution 2011-41, Providing for a Notice of Hearing. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve Resolution 2011-41. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Koehler, Jacob Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried.

Ordinance 455-11, Adding a New Section Permitting Garages to be Located on Alleys. Kostichek moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the 3rd reading of Ordinance 455-11. Roll call ayes: Kostichek, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, and Koehler. Motion carried.

Purchase of Real Estate. Schirman requested clarification on the motions approved at the August 1st meeting regarding two real estate offers. Council consensus was that the intent of motions was that the sellers provide the Phase 1 study for each property. The motions from the August 1st meeting are as follows: Kostichek moved and Jacob Puck seconded to proceed with an offer on 106 W. Lincoln Street, not to exceed a total cost of $22,000, which includes the cost of the Phase 1 study if needed. Motion carried. Kostichek moved and Jackie Puck seconded to proceed with an offer on 118 N. Main Street, not to exceed a total cost of $65,000, which includes the costs of a Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 study if needed. Motion carried. Further discussion was held that the City may perform an asbestos test following a clean Phase 1 study. Schirman will prepare offers for the property at 118 N. Main Street and 106 W. Lincoln Street.

City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reminded Council that the next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 6th due to the Labor Day holiday. She also reported that nomination papers are available at City Hall for the upcoming city election.

City Attorney Report. Schirman stated the appraisal on the property acquisition for the lift station project will not be completed for another month.

Jacob Puck moved and Koehler seconded to adjourn at 7:29 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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