October 15, 2012
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 15th day of October, 2012, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor Jim Couper called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: John Kostichek, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: Tim Koehler. City employees present: Lisa Rickertsen, Tom Schirman, John Brockmann, and Adam Hill.
Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from October 1, 2012, minutes from October 8, 2012, and September 2012 financial reports. Motion carried.
Audience. Wayne Latimer, Janice Dawson, Margo McInnis, Nicole Dunkel, Glenn Appler, and Jake Worden.
Quad City Convention & Visitors Bureau (QCCVB). Margo McInnis was present to report on the new Quad Cities Iowa 80 Visitor Center located inside the Iowa 80 Trucking Museum. She reported that since the center's opening on April 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012, there have been over 13,500 visitors. She also commented on the outstanding partnership between the QCCVB and the Iowa 80 Trucking Museum.
Alliant Energy. Alliant Energy representative, Nicole Dunkel, was present todiscuss Alliant Energy's Community Annual Partnership Investment (involvement and investments in Walcott) including economic development support, state and regional support, and energy efficiency rebates. She reported that Walcott area non-profit, 501(c)(3), organizations are eligible to apply for grant assistance through the Alliant Energy Foundation. Alliant Operations Manager, Glenn Appler, reported on the recent power outage, caused by a squirrel, and discussed a possible future substation replacement
Witt Property (NW corner of Lincoln & Main Streets). Kostichek moved and Mengler seconded to table the item until all council members are present. Motion carried.
Fence at 1000 N. Main Street. Jake Worden, Midfield Pattern, was present to address the privacy fence installed at his property. He reported he installed the fence to hide the condensers, dumpster, and pallet storage area from public view. Comments were made that the fence only hides the view of items when travelling north on Main Street but they are visible when travelling south. Following further discussion, Attorney Schirman reported the fence was installed without a permit and is in violation of City Code because a portion of the fence extends beyond the building into the front yard area. He stated the council can propose an ordinance change or Worden can request a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustments (ZBA). Worden will pursue a ZBA variance or remove the fence portion that is in violation of City Code by November 30th.
2014 Aerial Photography Project. Jackie Puck moved andMengler seconded to approve the letter of support for the joint acquisition of 2014 countywide digital orthophotography project. Motion carried. The estimated contribution for Walcott is $4,000.
W. Bryant Street Storm Sewer Study. Brockmann reported that there are two different options for the storm sewer so he has requested new proposals from the engineers.
Tar and Chip Street Project. Brockmann presented proposed areas to be tar and chipped this fall. Jacob Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve hiring Municipal Streets to tar and chip the streets as presented at an approximate cost of $19,500. Motion carried.
TIF Rebate Payments. Jackie Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the semi-annual TIF rebates in the amount of $64,070.84 to Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc. ($18,832.61), Ossian Walcott Investments LC ($16,836.71), and Petersen Health Systems Inc. ($28,401.52). Motion carried.
Ordinance 459-12, Adopting the Code of Ordinances. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the second reading of Ordinance 459-12. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Mengler, Kostichek, and Jacob Puck. Motion carried.
Sidewalk Repair Program. Rickertsen stated she still has not received responses from two residential properties that received sidewalk repair notices. Council consensus was to wait until Spring to pursue further.
Public Work's Department Report. Estimated costs were presented for separate indoor meter for outside watering use. City code does allow residents to install separate indoor meters for outside watering use at their expense. Costs would include the meter, remote reading device, shut-off valve, backflow preventer, and installation.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen reported that the 2013 employee medical premiums are decreasing 1.52% but she will be soliciting rates for dental and life insurance.
Old/New Business. Brockmann reported that he has received positive comments from residents regarding our new meter reading system, which provides leak detection capability. The Clerk's Department contacts water customers for potential leaks when they appear on the leak detection report which has been helpful for customers to control their water usage.
Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to adjourn at 7:23 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.