November 6, 2023 Minutes

City of Walcott November 6, 2023


The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, November 6, 2023, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present: Everett Bieri, Harry Knutsen, Lisa Mengler, and Jacob Puck. Staff present: Jeff Blake, Lisa Rickertsen, and Paul Stagg. Council member Kirk Koberg arrived at 6:03 p.m.  

Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Knutsen moved and Bieri seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, October 2023 financial reports, Resolution 2023-45 – Acknowledging New Investments, and Resolution 2023-46 -Reconfirming Purchase of a 2024 Rescue Vehicle and Approving Payment for the Chassis. Roll call ayes: Knutsen, Bieri, Mengler, and Puck. Motion carried.   

Minutes from October 16, 2023. Mengler moved and Bieri seconded to approve the minutes from October 16, 2023. Motion carried.

Liqui-Grow – Request to Resize or Cut Curb at 737 E. Lincoln Street. Hovey Tinsman, Liqui-Grow, had submitted a letter to the City Council regarding his concerns with the size of the curb that was installed in front of Liqui-Grow’s property at 737 E. Lincoln Street. He requested the City cut out the current curb for a smoother transition, from the east end of their property to just west of the earthen dike. Koberg arrived. Stagg stated the 4” sloped curb in front of their property was specified in the original construction plans and is per the SUDAS (Statewide Urban Design and Specifications). Stagg expressed concerns about gravel from the parking lot currently rolling onto the street and believes it could become worse if the curb was cut down to 2” in height. Koberg stated he disagreed and feels the gravel is coming from trucks spinning out. Tinsman stated if it was more of a gradual sloped curb it would be easier to drive over. Discussion was held on cutting down the curb, a length of approximately 400’. Additional concerns were expressed about the rock and water drainage. Koberg moved and Knutsen seconded to saw cut the current curb down, at the City’s cost, similar to a driveway drop curb per SUDAS to create a smoother approach from the east end of their property to the telephone pole by their storage tank. Motion carried with Mengler abstaining due to employment conflict of interest. Koberg stated that Liqui-Grow is responsible for pulling the gravel back to try and eliminate gravel coming onto the street and Tinsman agreed. 

Sale of 1949 Fire Truck. Stagg reported the high bid for the 1949 fire truck was $2,225. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the sale of the 1949 fire truck to the high bidder on GovDeals for $2,225. Motion carried.Stagg reported the high bidder is local. Assistant Fire Chief Joe Hahn was present and provided updates on the 2024 rescue vehicle which is currently being built. 

Request for Holiday Lights on Utility Poles along Memorial Road. Koberg reported that Walcott Day Committee is requesting approval to install holiday lights on approximately 16 light poles on Memorial Road. Following discussion, Puck moved and Bieri seconded to approve the request from the Walcott Day Committee to install holiday lights on utility poles along Memorial Road, once approved by Alliant Energy. Motion carried.

Residential Development. Discussion was held about areas located both in and out of current city limits for possible future residential development.

Mayor’s Report. Mayor Kostichek reported on a recent meeting he and Puck had with Davenport Community School Superintendent Schneckloth and Board President Gosa. Puck reported they were informed that 6th grade students from Blue Grass and Buffalo would be attending Walcott next year.   

Council Member Comments. Koberg stated he feels the City’s regulations on ATV’s & UTV’s should match the State of Iowa’s. He requested this topic be placed on the next agenda.     

Mengler moved and Koberg seconded to adjourn at 7:12 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted. 

November 6, 2023 Signed Minutes & Claims

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