November 18, 2019 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 18th day of November, 2019, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Everett Bieri, John Brockmann, Lisa Mengler, Jacob Puck, and Larry Smith. Absent: None. City staff present: Jeff Blake, Lisa Rickertsen, and Paul Stagg.
Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Smith seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Introduction of Audience/Public Comments. No comments.
Consent Agenda. Mengler moved and Smith seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from November 4, 2019, October 2019 financial reports, Resolution 2019-37- Approving Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Title VI Assurances, Agreement, and City of Walcott Title VI Policy Statement, and Resolution 2019-38 – Approving Hourly Wage for Sergeant Hill for Instructor Certification. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Smith, Bieri, Puck, and Brockmann. Motion carried.
Jamie Minnaert – 221 E. Flagg Street. Minnaert was not present but submitted a letter to Council requesting an extension to March 1st to remove the ash tree on his property. His letter also included that if an extension was not granted and the City removed the tree he would request a payment pan to reimburse the City. Smith moved and Puck seconded to deny the extension and have the City remove the tree and allow a payment plan. Motion carried. Stagg reported that six of the ten nuisance trees have already been removed.
Splash Pad Project – Payment #3. Puck moved and Bieri seconded to approve payment #3 to Centennial Contractors for $9,373.37. Motion carried.
No Parking on Sterling Drive and Walker Street. During the November 4th meeting, Stagg had reported he spoke with both the Police Chief and Fire Chief regarding the ongoing parking problems on Sterling Drive and Walker Street, especially during the winter months, and the desire to initiate no parking regulations on those streets. Stagg again addressed the difficulties with snow removal especially when semis are parked on Sterling Drive and Walker Street. Iowa 80 Group representatives, Dave Meier and Mike Hutchinson, stated their concerns about restricting parking on Sterling Drive, while acknowledging the issues with snow removal and emergency vehicle access. Meier spoke about difficulties drivers face with the electronic logbooks and that the I-80 Exit 284 is a permitted exit, by the Iowa Department of Transportation, for oversized loads. Following further discussion, Mengler introduced and moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 509-19, Concerning Parking Regulations, with no parking on both sides of Walker Street and on the south and west sides of Sterling Drive. Seconded by Puck. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Puck, Smith, and Bieri. Nays: Brockmann. This change is not effective until after three readings and publication of ordinance.
Public Works Department Report. Mengler questioned the status of the decorative light post on Main Street that was damaged during a storm this past summer. Stagg responded that he had obtained two quotes and the light has been ordered but there was a twelve week lead time on it.
Council Member Comments. Brockmann expressed concerns that he had previously brought up that the graveled portion of W. Memorial Road has potholes and it has not been addressed. Smith responded that as a Street Committee member he looked at the area with Stagg but felt they were small and not worth staff’s time. Following further discussion, Mayor Kostichek agreed to look at the area with Brockmann. Brockmann reported the following:
- Low water pressure on the south side of the tracks. Stagg stated he had not received any complaints but will look into it.
- Concerns that the City did not maintain Y-40 during the last snow event. Stagg reported that the City did salt the area during the last snow event and although the County also maintains the road the City does plow and salt as needed.
- Questions on the invoice from Hahn Concrete for concrete lego blocks. These were purchased to organize the compost area by separating materials. Brockmann expressed concerns that a project worksheet was not presented for the project.
Smith moved and Mengler seconded to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.