May 2, 2011
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 2nd day of May, 2011. Mayor Pro Tem Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Other council members present were: Koberg and Puck. Absent: Koehler. City employees present: L. Rickertsen, J. Brockmann, T. Schirman, A. Hill, and J. Hahn.
Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearing. Kostichek opened the public hearing for the rezoning request from Doug Olson for 131 E. Bryant Street, from C-2 (Central Business District) to R-3 (Multiple-Family Dwelling District). Rickertsen stated that no oral or written comments were received for this hearing but a negative comment was received prior to the Planning & Zoning meeting regarding adding more multi-family zoning. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting.
Ordinance 454-11, Amending the Zoning Map. Puck introduced and moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 454-11. Seconded by Koberg. Roll call ayes: Puck, Koberg, and Kostichek. Motion carried. This amends the zoning map regarding 131 E. Bryant Street.
Consent Agenda. Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from April 18, 2011, Lampliter Class C Liquor License Renewal, and Resolution 2011-19 : Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried.
Leo Rathjen : Litter Concerns. Mr. Rathjen was present and expressed his concerns with littering on farm ground that he rents, on the northwest corner of the I-80 Exit 284 Interchange. Attorney Schirman explained the two types of nuisances, public and private. Schirman stated he feels this is a private nuisance and there is a private agreement between two property owners which addresses the issue. Rickertsen noted that letters were mailed in early March to the property owners along Walker Street regarding litter control and all commercial businesses have been abiding by the code by providing adequate waste control through dumpsters and employee litter removal. Discussion continued and Schirman repeated that this is a private issue between property owners. Following further discussion, council consensus was to send a letter to Pilot Travel Center encouraging them to respond to Rathjen's concerns and Schirman will contact Rathjen's attorney.
Council Vacancy Appointment. Council Member Koehler was unable to attend the meeting, but was contacted by speakerphone to participate in the appointment. No applications were received for the appointment, but resident Jacob Puck was present and expressed his interest in the appointment. Kostichek moved and Koberg seconded to appoint Jacob Puck to fill the council vacancy until the election on November 8, 2011. Ayes: Kostichek, Koberg, and Koehler. Jackie Puck abstained due to family relationship. Motion carried. Kostichek administered the oath of office to Jacob Puck.
Approval of TIF Rebates. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve the semi-annual TIF rebates in the amount of $79,199.09 to the following: Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc. ($45,155.38), Exit 284 Land & Development ($3,649.64), T&C Storage ($1,050), and Petersen Health Systems ($29,344.07). Motion carried.
Approval of 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve participating with Scott County for the 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Motion carried.
Approval of 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve renewing the 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Motion carried.
Approval of Water Tower Park Lease. Kostichek moved and Mr. Puck seconded to approve renewing the 3-year Water Tower Park Lease with Marvin and Loretta Siebke. Motion carried.
Approval of Portable Toilets and Handwash Stations for RAGBRAI Event. Ms. Puck questioned the proposed estimated expenses. Rickertsen stated that during the February 21st meeting, Kris Burt attended the meeting and requested the City cover the costs of portable toilets and payroll for city personnel to work July 30th. Following further discussion, Kostichek moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve the portable toilets and handwash stations for the RAGBRAI event at a cost of $1,800 with a total cost, including payroll on July 30th, not to exceed $5,000 for the RAGBRAI event. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-20, Provide for a Notice of Hearing. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-20. Roll call ayes: Ms. Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, and Mr. Puck. Motion carried. This Resolution sets a public hearing for the plans and specifications for the Fire Department Expansion Project for May 16th with project bids to be received on May 26th.
Ordinance 453-11, Adding Chapter 126 Entitled RAGBRAI : Miscellaneous Permits & Requirements. Koberg moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the third reading of Ordinance 453-11, with a minor change to Section 126.16. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Kostichek, Mr. Puck, and Ms. Puck. Motion carried.
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 2nd day of May, 2011. Mayor Pro Tem Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Other council members present were: Koberg and Puck. Absent: Koehler. City employees present: L. Rickertsen, J. Brockmann, T. Schirman, A. Hill, and J. Hahn.
Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearing. Kostichek opened the public hearing for the rezoning request from Doug Olson for 131 E. Bryant Street, from C-2 (Central Business District) to R-3 (Multiple-Family Dwelling District). Rickertsen stated that no oral or written comments were received for this hearing but a negative comment was received prior to the Planning & Zoning meeting regarding adding more multi-family zoning. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting.
Ordinance 454-11, Amending the Zoning Map. Puck introduced and moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 454-11. Seconded by Koberg. Roll call ayes: Puck, Koberg, and Kostichek. Motion carried. This amends the zoning map regarding 131 E. Bryant Street.
Consent Agenda. Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from April 18, 2011, Lampliter Class C Liquor License Renewal, and Resolution 2011-19 : Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried.
Leo Rathjen : Litter Concerns. Mr. Rathjen was present and expressed his concerns with littering on farm ground that he rents, on the northwest corner of the I-80 Exit 284 Interchange. Attorney Schirman explained the two types of nuisances, public and private. Schirman stated he feels this is a private nuisance and there is a private agreement between two property owners which addresses the issue. Rickertsen noted that letters were mailed in early March to the property owners along Walker Street regarding litter control and all commercial businesses have been abiding by the code by providing adequate waste control through dumpsters and employee litter removal. Discussion continued and Schirman repeated that this is a private issue between property owners. Following further discussion, council consensus was to send a letter to Pilot Travel Center encouraging them to respond to Rathjen's concerns and Schirman will contact Rathjen's attorney.
Council Vacancy Appointment. Council Member Koehler was unable to attend the meeting, but was contacted by speakerphone to participate in the appointment. No applications were received for the appointment, but resident Jacob Puck was present and expressed his interest in the appointment. Kostichek moved and Koberg seconded to appoint Jacob Puck to fill the council vacancy until the election on November 8, 2011. Ayes: Kostichek, Koberg, and Koehler. Jackie Puck abstained due to family relationship. Motion carried. Kostichek administered the oath of office to Jacob Puck.
Approval of TIF Rebates. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve the semi-annual TIF rebates in the amount of $79,199.09 to the following: Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc. ($45,155.38), Exit 284 Land & Development ($3,649.64), T&C Storage ($1,050), and Petersen Health Systems ($29,344.07). Motion carried.
Approval of 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve participating with Scott County for the 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Motion carried.
Approval of 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve renewing the 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Motion carried.
Approval of Water Tower Park Lease. Kostichek moved and Mr. Puck seconded to approve renewing the 3-year Water Tower Park Lease with Marvin and Loretta Siebke. Motion carried.
Approval of Portable Toilets and Handwash Stations for RAGBRAI Event. Ms. Puck questioned the proposed estimated expenses. Rickertsen stated that during the February 21st meeting, Kris Burt attended the meeting and requested the City cover the costs of portable toilets and payroll for city personnel to work July 30th. Following further discussion, Kostichek moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve the portable toilets and handwash stations for the RAGBRAI event at a cost of $1,800 with a total cost, including payroll on July 30th, not to exceed $5,000 for the RAGBRAI event. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-20, Provide for a Notice of Hearing. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-20. Roll call ayes: Ms. Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, and Mr. Puck. Motion carried. This Resolution sets a public hearing for the plans and specifications for the Fire Department Expansion Project for May 16th with project bids to be received on May 26th.
Ordinance 453-11, Adding Chapter 126 Entitled RAGBRAI : Miscellaneous Permits & Requirements. Koberg moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the third reading of Ordinance 453-11, with a minor change to Section 126.16. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Kostichek, Mr. Puck, and Ms. Puck. Motion carried.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann updated the council on the status of the N. Downey Street Reconstruction Project. The anticipated public hearing date on the plans and specifications will be on June 6th with a bid opening on June 16th. Koberg questioned the proposed flag pole location at the new Veteran's Memorial at Welcome Park. Brockmann explained his concerns regarding the placement. The topic will be discussed during the Park Board meeting on May 4, 2011.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen discussed her concerns with a new proposed Governor's bill imposing a rollback to 60 percent on commercial and industrial property valuations, phased in at eight percent a year for five years. Koberg questioned policies from other communities regarding residential handicap parking. Rickertsen will check with the larger surrounding communities.
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 2nd day of May, 2011. Mayor Pro Tem Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Other council members present were: Koberg and Puck. Absent: Koehler. City employees present: L. Rickertsen, J. Brockmann, T. Schirman, A. Hill, and J. Hahn.
Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearing. Kostichek opened the public hearing for the rezoning request from Doug Olson for 131 E. Bryant Street, from C-2 (Central Business District) to R-3 (Multiple-Family Dwelling District). Rickertsen stated that no oral or written comments were received for this hearing but a negative comment was received prior to the Planning & Zoning meeting regarding adding more multi-family zoning. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting.
Ordinance 454-11, Amending the Zoning Map. Puck introduced and moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 454-11. Seconded by Koberg. Roll call ayes: Puck, Koberg, and Kostichek. Motion carried. This amends the zoning map regarding 131 E. Bryant Street.
Consent Agenda. Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from April 18, 2011, Lampliter Class C Liquor License Renewal, and Resolution 2011-19 : Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried.
Leo Rathjen : Litter Concerns. Mr. Rathjen was present and expressed his concerns with littering on farm ground that he rents, on the northwest corner of the I-80 Exit 284 Interchange. Attorney Schirman explained the two types of nuisances, public and private. Schirman stated he feels this is a private nuisance and there is a private agreement between two property owners which addresses the issue. Rickertsen noted that letters were mailed in early March to the property owners along Walker Street regarding litter control and all commercial businesses have been abiding by the code by providing adequate waste control through dumpsters and employee litter removal. Discussion continued and Schirman repeated that this is a private issue between property owners. Following further discussion, council consensus was to send a letter to Pilot Travel Center encouraging them to respond to Rathjen's concerns and Schirman will contact Rathjen's attorney.
Council Vacancy Appointment. Council Member Koehler was unable to attend the meeting, but was contacted by speakerphone to participate in the appointment. No applications were received for the appointment, but resident Jacob Puck was present and expressed his interest in the appointment. Kostichek moved and Koberg seconded to appoint Jacob Puck to fill the council vacancy until the election on November 8, 2011. Ayes: Kostichek, Koberg, and Koehler. Jackie Puck abstained due to family relationship. Motion carried. Kostichek administered the oath of office to Jacob Puck.
Approval of TIF Rebates. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve the semi-annual TIF rebates in the amount of $79,199.09 to the following: Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc. ($45,155.38), Exit 284 Land & Development ($3,649.64), T&C Storage ($1,050), and Petersen Health Systems ($29,344.07). Motion carried.
Approval of 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve participating with Scott County for the 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Motion carried.
Approval of 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve renewing the 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Motion carried.
Approval of Water Tower Park Lease. Kostichek moved and Mr. Puck seconded to approve renewing the 3-year Water Tower Park Lease with Marvin and Loretta Siebke. Motion carried.
Approval of Portable Toilets and Handwash Stations for RAGBRAI Event. Ms. Puck questioned the proposed estimated expenses. Rickertsen stated that during the February 21st meeting, Kris Burt attended the meeting and requested the City cover the costs of portable toilets and payroll for city personnel to work July 30th. Following further discussion, Kostichek moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve the portable toilets and handwash stations for the RAGBRAI event at a cost of $1,800 with a total cost, including payroll on July 30th, not to exceed $5,000 for the RAGBRAI event. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-20, Provide for a Notice of Hearing. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-20. Roll call ayes: Ms. Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, and Mr. Puck. Motion carried. This Resolution sets a public hearing for the plans and specifications for the Fire Department Expansion Project for May 16th with project bids to be received on May 26th.
Ordinance 453-11, Adding Chapter 126 Entitled RAGBRAI : Miscellaneous Permits & Requirements. Koberg moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the third reading of Ordinance 453-11, with a minor change to Section 126.16. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Kostichek, Mr. Puck, and Ms. Puck. Motion carried.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann updated the council on the status of the N. Downey Street Reconstruction Project. The anticipated public hearing date on the plans and specifications will be on June 6th with a bid opening on June 16th. Koberg questioned the proposed flag pole location at the new Veteran's Memorial at Welcome Park. Brockmann explained his concerns regarding the placement. The topic will be discussed during the Park Board meeting on May 4, 2011.
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 2nd day of May, 2011. Mayor Pro Tem Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Other council members present were: Koberg and Puck. Absent: Koehler. City employees present: L. Rickertsen, J. Brockmann, T. Schirman, A. Hill, and J. Hahn.
Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearing. Kostichek opened the public hearing for the rezoning request from Doug Olson for 131 E. Bryant Street, from C-2 (Central Business District) to R-3 (Multiple-Family Dwelling District). Rickertsen stated that no oral or written comments were received for this hearing but a negative comment was received prior to the Planning & Zoning meeting regarding adding more multi-family zoning. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting.
Ordinance 454-11, Amending the Zoning Map. Puck introduced and moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 454-11. Seconded by Koberg. Roll call ayes: Puck, Koberg, and Kostichek. Motion carried. This amends the zoning map regarding 131 E. Bryant Street.
Consent Agenda. Koberg moved and Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from April 18, 2011, Lampliter Class C Liquor License Renewal, and Resolution 2011-19 : Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Puck, and Kostichek. Motion carried.
Leo Rathjen : Litter Concerns. Mr. Rathjen was present and expressed his concerns with littering on farm ground that he rents, on the northwest corner of the I-80 Exit 284 Interchange. Attorney Schirman explained the two types of nuisances, public and private. Schirman stated he feels this is a private nuisance and there is a private agreement between two property owners which addresses the issue. Rickertsen noted that letters were mailed in early March to the property owners along Walker Street regarding litter control and all commercial businesses have been abiding by the code by providing adequate waste control through dumpsters and employee litter removal. Discussion continued and Schirman repeated that this is a private issue between property owners. Following further discussion, council consensus was to send a letter to Pilot Travel Center encouraging them to respond to Rathjen's concerns and Schirman will contact Rathjen's attorney.
Council Vacancy Appointment. Council Member Koehler was unable to attend the meeting, but was contacted by speakerphone to participate in the appointment. No applications were received for the appointment, but resident Jacob Puck was present and expressed his interest in the appointment. Kostichek moved and Koberg seconded to appoint Jacob Puck to fill the council vacancy until the election on November 8, 2011. Ayes: Kostichek, Koberg, and Koehler. Jackie Puck abstained due to family relationship. Motion carried. Kostichek administered the oath of office to Jacob Puck.
Approval of TIF Rebates. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve the semi-annual TIF rebates in the amount of $79,199.09 to the following: Iowa 80 Truckstop Inc. ($45,155.38), Exit 284 Land & Development ($3,649.64), T&C Storage ($1,050), and Petersen Health Systems ($29,344.07). Motion carried.
Approval of 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve participating with Scott County for the 2011 Pavement Marking Project. Motion carried.
Approval of 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve renewing the 5-year IDOT Agreement and Maintenance of Primary Roads. Motion carried.
Approval of Water Tower Park Lease. Kostichek moved and Mr. Puck seconded to approve renewing the 3-year Water Tower Park Lease with Marvin and Loretta Siebke. Motion carried.
Approval of Portable Toilets and Handwash Stations for RAGBRAI Event. Ms. Puck questioned the proposed estimated expenses. Rickertsen stated that during the February 21st meeting, Kris Burt attended the meeting and requested the City cover the costs of portable toilets and payroll for city personnel to work July 30th. Following further discussion, Kostichek moved and Ms. Puck seconded to approve the portable toilets and handwash stations for the RAGBRAI event at a cost of $1,800 with a total cost, including payroll on July 30th, not to exceed $5,000 for the RAGBRAI event. Motion carried.
Resolution 2011-20, Provide for a Notice of Hearing. Ms. Puck moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-20. Roll call ayes: Ms. Puck, Koberg, Kostichek, and Mr. Puck. Motion carried. This Resolution sets a public hearing for the plans and specifications for the Fire Department Expansion Project for May 16th with project bids to be received on May 26th.
Ordinance 453-11, Adding Chapter 126 Entitled RAGBRAI : Miscellaneous Permits & Requirements. Koberg moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the third reading of Ordinance 453-11, with a minor change to Section 126.16. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Kostichek, Mr. Puck, and Ms. Puck. Motion carried.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann updated the council on the status of the N. Downey Street Reconstruction Project. The anticipated public hearing date on the plans and specifications will be on June 6th with a bid opening on June 16th. Koberg questioned the proposed flag pole location at the new Veteran's Memorial at Welcome Park. Brockmann explained his concerns regarding the placement. The topic will be discussed during the Park Board meeting on May 4, 2011.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen discussed her concerns with a new proposed Governor's bill imposing a rollback to 60 percent on commercial and industrial property valuations, phased in at eight percent a year for five years. Koberg questioned policies from other communities regarding residential handicap parking. Rickertsen will check with the larger surrounding communities.
Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen discussed her concerns with a new proposed Governor's bill imposing a rollback to 60 percent on commercial and industrial property valuations, phased in at eight percent a year for five years. Koberg questioned policies from other communities regarding residential handicap parking. Rickertsen will check with the larger surrounding communities.
Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.
Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann updated the council on the status of the N. Downey Street Reconstruction Project. The anticipated public hearing date on the plans and specifications will be on June 6th with a bid opening on June 16th. Koberg questioned the proposed flag pole location at the new Veteran's Memorial at Welcome Park. Brockmann explained his concerns regarding the placement. The topic will be discussed during the Park Board meeting on May 4, 2011.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen discussed her concerns with a new proposed Governor's bill imposing a rollback to 60 percent on commercial and industrial property valuations, phased in at eight percent a year for five years. Koberg questioned policies from other communities regarding residential handicap parking. Rickertsen will check with the larger surrounding communities.
Koberg moved and Ms. Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.