May 1, 2017 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 1st day of May, 2017, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. City employees present: Jeff Blake, Lisa Rickertsen, Tom Schirman, and Paul Stagg.
Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Latimer seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Comments. John Brockmann expressed his disagreement with the minutes from the last meeting (concerning well #5 update) and stated he questioned the need for two certified water operators (during the March 20th meeting). He questioned how long the dumpster will remain on Main Street at the SE corner of the intersection of Main and Durant Streets. Stagg will contact the contractor about the dumpster. Brockmann also stated three hydrants are out of service, the fire hydrants haven’t been flushed for over a year, and a light at the water plant has been out for a month and still isn’t fixed. Stagg stated the out of service tags were placed on the hydrants and the City has the new hydrants but is waiting for another bid for installation costs. Stagg also reported a contractor is scheduled to fix the exterior light at the same time as the lighting upgrade project at the water plant, which was approved during the April 17th meeting. George Peddle was present and complained about the water quality at his house and expressed concerns that the hydrants hadn’t been flushed recently. Stagg offered to make an appointment to test his water.
Consent Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and minutes from April 17, 2017. Motion carried.
Entrance Signs Donation. Mengler moved and Jackie seconded to approve the $5,000 donation request, as budgeted, to the Hearts and Hands Foundation for the entrance signs. Motion carried.
Walcott Day Committee – Request to Sell Food at Prairie View Park. Brian Mengler questioned if Council would allow food to be sold at the parking lot at Prairie View Park on July 14, 2017, before the kids race and fireworks. He stated it would be a fundraiser either for the Splash Pad Project or a nonprofit group. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the sale of food at the parking lot of Prairie View Park on July 14, 2017 for a non-profit group as discussed. Motion carried. The entity selling the food will be responsible for obtaining a permit from the Scott County Health Department.
Walcott American Legion – Request to Pour Concrete Pad in Right-of-Way (ROW). Kent Arp stated they would like to pour a concrete pad in the ROW, between the sidewalk and curb, on W. Durant Street, so they can place a grill on it during events. Following discussion, Jacob Puck moved and Latimer seconded to approve the request for the Walcott American Legion to pour a concrete pad in the ROW behind their building on W. Durant Street. Motion carried.
Ordinance 494-17, Amending Chapter 106 Pertaining to Solid Waste Collection Fees. This ordinance increases the garbage rates to $12.33, effective July 1, 2017. Jackie Puck introduced and moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 494-17. Seconded by Mengler. Roll call ayes: Jackie Puck, Mengler, Koehler, Jacob Puck, and Latimer. Motion carried.
Public Works Department Report. Stagg reported he recently notified the Mayor of emergency work on a critical system repair of a valve at the water plant, which has been repaired. He also reported on the status of the treatment agreement with Blue Beacon Truck Wash, following a letter of inquiry from the IDNR. Stagg stated that due to the recent wet weather, the Main Street bridge repairs were postponed and a rescheduled date has not yet been determined. Mengler questioned the status of the fence repairs at the bridge and Stagg responded the contractor has been engaged to make the repairs.
Attorney’s Report. Attorney Schirman reported he spoke to Jay Brady (Stanley Consultants Engineer) regarding amending Chapter 99 regarding sewer surcharges to better define the regulations and limitations.
Council Member Comments. Mengler reported concerns expressed to her that the area to the west of the Legion, on W. Bryant Street, is not lit adequately. Discussion was held that the Legion currently has a light on their building and if the street light on the corner was upgraded to LED it may help with the lighting issues.
Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to adjourn at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.