January 8, 2014
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Wednesday, the 8th day of January, 2014, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, and Jackie Puck. Absent: Lisa Mengler and Jacob Puck. City employees present: John Brockmann, Lisa Rickertsen, and Tom Schirman.
Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Latimer seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from December 16, 2013, Resolution 2014-1 Authorizing Certain Payments Before a Council Meeting, Resolution 2014-2 Designation of Official Newspaper, Resolution 2014-3 Designation of Financial Institutions as Depositories, Resolution 2014-4 Establishing the Standard Mileage Rate Reimbursement, and Resolution 2014-5 Establishing Policy Regarding the use of Economic Development Incentives (TIF Rebate Program). Roll call ayes: Koehler, Latimer, and Puck. Nays: None. Motion carried.
Audience. Fire Department members: Lon Warnecke, Korry Kraft, Jim Kirkley, Rusty Holzworth, and Chief Josh Geigle.
Korry Kraft : Water Main Break. Korry Kraft expressed his appreciation to Brockmann for promptly responding to an early morning water main break behind his house on January 7th. He also expressed concerns regarding the frequency of water main breaks behind his house and requested barricades for his sidewalks due to several inches of ice that formed due to the break. Brockmann stated he will place barricades and salt the sidewalk and stated the water main replacement is on schedule for this year. Mayor Kostichek stated this project would be a top priority. Kraft stated he had a lot of water in his basement and will have someone check his foundation to see if there are any problems.
Durant Ambulance Donation. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the annual donation to Durant Ambulance in the amount of $1,000. Motion carried.
Sanitary Sewer Inflow and Infiltration Study. Brockman presented information from Jay Brady, Stanley Consultants, regarding the need and overview of an inflow and infiltration study. Brockmann stated the first step would be to install flow meters. Further discussion will be held at a future meeting with Brady present.
S. Downey Street Water Main Project.
- Payment #3. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve payment #3 to Ellsworth Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $7,544.74, as recommended by the project engineer. Motion carried.
- Early Release of Retainage. Ellsworth Excavating requested the release of retained funds for the project since a substantial portion of the project is complete. Attorney Schirman stated the Iowa Code requires a process to be followed and additional documentation is required prior to any council action.
Fire Department Report. Chief Geigle presented an overview of the 2015 Freightliner Pumper the department is recommending to purchase. Three bids were received ranging from $358,383 – $387,980. He stated the cost does not include additional equipment, such as valves and fittings, which is needed and will be compatible with existing department vehicles. Questions arose on the truck that is being replaced. Geigle stated the intent would be to dispose of the vehicle. He will try to obtain a value on the vehicle from a truck representative. Following further questions and discussion, Latimer moved and Puck seconded to approve the truck purchase from Alexis Fire at a cost of $358,383, with a total purchase price, including additional equipment, not to exceed $385,000. Motion carried. Grants from Scott County Regional Authority ($50,000) and Alliant Energy ($2,500) and a donation of $250 from MidAmerican Energy were received towards the truck purchase. Geigle also presented the proposed resolution to dispatching issues with Durant Ambulance. Chief Geigle and the Fire Department Truck Committee were thanked for their efforts regarding the purchase of the new fire truck.
Privacy Fence : City Lots East of Tennis Courts. Brockmann presented quotes on different types of fencing, as requested by Council. Discussion was held on the durability, maintenance, and future replacement costs. Following further discussion, Koehler moved and Puck seconded to proceed with the quote from S&V Fencing for a 5' privacy chain link fence with plastic slats. Motion carried. The adjacent homeowner will be asked about the color preference.
Public Work's Report. Brockmann presented his report including the recent water main breaks and vehicle break downs. Mayor Kostichek thanked the Public Works employees for the clearing of streets during recent snow accumulations and blowing. It was stated that a lot of vehicles remain on the streets during snow falls which impede the snow plows and are not parking on the side with even addresses on even numbered calendar days and on the side with odd numbered addresses on odd numbered calendar days.
City Clerk's Report. Rickertsen presented her report including the following:
- Puck moved and Latimer seconded to request the State Auditor's Office perform the annual examination for FYE 2014. Motion carried.
- A special council meeting workshop will be held on January 16th at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall to review and discuss the budget.
- Distributed the building department report for the month of December.
- No bids were received for the demolition of the barn at 780 E. James Street. Building Official, Linda Rivers, suggested removing the asbestos abatement from the bidding documents and having the City proceed with any required asbestos testing. Puck moved and Latimer seconded to proceed with any required asbestos testing on the barn. Motion carried.
Mayor's Report. Mayor Kostichek reported the Citizens Building Committee had their first meeting and will meet again on January 21st.
Puck moved and Latimer seconded to adjourn at 7:22 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.