January 7, 2019 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 7th day of 2019, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: John Brockmann, Tim Koehler, Lisa Mengler, Jacob Puck, and Larry Smith. Absent: None. City staff present: Jeff Blake, Lisa Rickertsen, Tom Schirman, and Paul Stagg.
Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Introduction of Audience/Public Comments. Cyndi Siemsen and Joe and Jessica Aubry were present to question why the proposed water main improvements project does not include N. Downey Street, between James and Otis Street. Siemsen stated she has always had low water pressure at her home and had reported it to John Brockmann, former Public Works Director, for many years. Stagg responded that the replacement of the 1” water main on her block was one of the three water projects that he presented to Council during the August 6, 2018 meeting. During that meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to proceed with the other two projects but due to financial constraints they did not proceed with the water main replacement project on her block. Stagg stated that the proposed water main improvements project, scheduled to be completed this year, will set the stage for replacing the water main on her block as part of a future project.
Public Hearings. Mayor Kostichek opened the public hearing on the plans, specifications, form of contract, and cost estimate on the 2019 Water Main Improvements Project along sections of E. James Street, N. Downey Street, and N. Grove Street. The current estimated construction cost, plus contingency, is nearly $166,000. Smith requested the engineer do some minor text edits to the plans. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to close the public hearing and open the public hearing on the plans, specifications, form of contract, and cost estimate on the 2019 Sanitary Sewer Repairs/Improvements along sections of W. Bryant Street and S. Rowe Lane. Motion carried. The estimated construction cost, plus contingency, is around $246,000. Smith requested the text also be cleaned up on these plans. Smith moved and Koehler seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from December 17, 2018, Resolution 2019-1, Designating the North Scott Press as Official Newspaper, Resolution 2019-2, Authorizing Certain Payments Before a Council Meeting, Resolution 2019-3, Designation of Financial Institutions as Depositories, and Resolution 2019-4, Establishing the Standard Mileage Rate Reimbursement, and Resolution 2019-5, Transfer of Funds (from Employee Benefits Fund and Local Option Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund). Roll call ayes: Puck, Mengler, Smith, Koehler, and Brockmann. Motion carried.
Resolution 2019-6, Approving Plans & Specifications, Form of Contract and Cost Estimate for the 2019 Water Main Improvements Project. Koehler moved and Smith seconded to approve Resolution 2019-6, with the text edits in the plans as requested. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Smith, Mengler, Brockmann, and Puck. Motion carried.
Resolution 2019-7, Approving Plans & Specifications, Form of Contract and Cost Estimate for the 2019 Sanitary Sewer Repairs/Improvements Project. Smith moved and Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2019-7, with the text edits in the plans as requested. Roll call ayes: Smith, Puck, Brockmann, Mengler, and Koehler. Motion carried.
Walcott Historical Society. Karen Puck thanked the City for their past support and reported that the Walcott Historical Society has met the matching fundraising amount of $2,500 as required by City Council. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve payment of $2,500 to the Walcott Historical Society. Motion carried. Puck also asked the Council to consider budgeting future contributions to the organization and stated that they are exploring options for a permanent location and questioned the City’s intent of the city-owned property at the SE corner of Main and Lincoln Streets. The property will be listed on the next regular meeting agenda. Puck was thanked for attending and for the work that the Historical Society has achieved.
Annual Donation to Durant Ambulance. Smith moved and Mengler seconded to approve the annual budgeted donation to Durant Ambulance in the amount of $1,000. Motion carried.
Donation to the Lower Cedar Watershed Management Authority. Mayor Kostichek reported on the Lower Cedar Watershed Management Authority ((LCWMA), which the City is a member of. The LCWMA is a mechanism for cities, counties, and water conservation districts to cooperatively engage in watershed planning and management. The LCWMA is requesting contributions from each member to help develop educational materials. Mengler moved and Smith seconded to approve a $500 donation to the LCWMA. Brockmann opposed and stated there are already enough government agencies. Motion carried.
New Council Table. Three quotes were received on having a new custom council table built. Discussion was held on the drawings and construction time. The two lowest quotes were within $25 but the quote of $4,975 from Robertsen Manufacturing, located in Davenport, had a shorter construction/delivery time. Koehler moved and Smith seconded to proceed with Robertsen Manufacturing for construction of a council table, contingent on having all questions resolved. Motion carried.
Police Department Report. Chief Blake presented a project worksheet for purchase of tourniquets and holders. This will be paid from the $900 grant the department received from the Iowa 80/CAT Scale Go Iowa Fund. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the purchase as submitted from North American Rescue Supplies. Motion carried.
City Clerk’s Report. A budget workshop was scheduled for January 14th at 5:00 p.m.
Mayor’s Report. With respect to the recent firefighter tragedy in Clinton, Mayor Kostichek encouraged all to thank the local fire department members for their invaluable work.
Mengler moved and Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.