January 26, 2011 Budget Mtg
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Walcott, Iowa was held on Wednesday, January 26, 2011, with Mayor Couper calling the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Council members present were: Dietz, Koberg, Puck, Kostichek, and Koehler. City employees present were: L. Rickertsen, J. Vaughan, and J. Brockmann.
Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to approve the agenda. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
Recreational Trail & Park Project. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve payment request #4 to McCarthy Improvement Company in the amount of $24,715.60. Motion carried. Discussion was held on having a Committee of the Whole meeting at 5:30 p.m. on February 7th to discuss the additional project engineering costs with the engineer.
Resolution 2011-7, Approving Offer & Purchase. Puck moved and Kostichek seconded to approve Resolution 2011-7. Roll call ayes: Puck, Kostichek, Dietz, Koehler, and Koberg. Motion carried. The purchase, in the amount of $1,250.99, is for .173 acres from Dana Denklau for right-of-way purposes.
Resolution 2011-8, Approving Offer & Purchase. Koehler moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2011-8. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Koberg, Kostichek, Puck, and Dietz. Motion carried. The purchase, in the amount of $1,865.85, is for .275 acres from Dana Denklau for right-of-way purposes.
FYE 2012 Budget. Discussion was held on the proposed budget, including ways to reduce general fund expenditures and a review of the proprietary funds budget and rates. Discussion was also held on the request from Chief Vaughan to add another full-time officer to the department. Mayor Couper referred the request to the Police Committee, Puck and Dietz, for a future recommendation. For budgeting purposes, half of the funding for a full-time officer will be allocated to part-time wages. The request from QC Convention & Visitors Bureau was discussed. The Bureau is requesting funding from the city in the amount of 5% of its Hotel/Motel Tax annual revenue starting in 2012. Koehler moved and Kostichek seconded to table the request. Motion carried.
Koberg moved and Koehler seconded to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. Ayes: All. Motion carried.