January 2, 2018 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of January, 2018, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: John Brockmann, Tim Koehler, Lisa Mengler, Jacob Puck, and Larry Smith. Absent: None. City staff present: Jackie Huston, Jeff Blake, Tom Schirman, Paul Stagg, Josh Geigle, and Randy Reimers.
Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Introduction of Audience/Public Comments. Fire Chief, Josh Geigle, reported that the Scott County Priority Dispatching for emergencies has started and the public may see some minor changes as a result.
Consent Agenda. Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, Class C Liquor License & Sunday Sales renewal for Grammas Kitchen & The Checkered Flag Bar & Grill, Resolution 2017-1, Designating the North Scott Press as Official Newspaper, Resolution 2017-2, Authorizing Certain Payments Before a Council Meeting, Resolution 2017-3, Designation of Financial Institutions as Depositories, and Resolution 2017-4, Establishing the Standard Mileage Rate Reimbursement. Roll call ayes: Puck, Koehler, Mengler, Brockmann, and Smith. Motion carried.
Minutes from December 18, 2017. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the minutes from December 18, 2017. Motion carried with Smith and Brockmann abstaining since they were not Council Members at that time.
Craig Stender – W. Flagg Street Extension. Mr. Stender expressed his possible interest in purchasing the 5 lots at the west end of Flagg Street. Two of the lots have an apartment complex on them and 3 lots are vacant. Huston reported that this portion of the street is platted, but unimproved. Stender could possibly replat and rezone these lots, but would be required to put in a hard-surfaced street. He is asking the Council to consider a ½ concrete street on the north ½ to develop the west end lots. It was determined that the owner of the property adjacent to the south side of the platted street would be responsible for that half of the street if their portion of the property was developed. The Council did not have an objection to a ½ concrete street to service the vacant platted lots.
Appointments by Mayor. Mayor Kostichek made the following appointments:
- Park Board. Reappoint Mike Clayton to the Park Board to a term ending 12/31/22. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the Mayor’s appointment. Motion carried.
- Council Committees:
- Police & Animal Control – Brockmann & Koehler
- Policy & Administration/City Hall – Koehler & Mengler
- Streets, Solid Waste, & Parks – Puck & Smith
- Fire & Civil Defense – Smith & Brockmann
- Water & Sanitary Sewer Operations – Mengler & Puck
- Mayor Pro Tem – Jacob Puck
Reappointments by Council.
- Planning & Zoning Commission. Mengler moved and Smith seconded to reappoint Leah Patton to a term ending 12/31/22. Motion carried.
- Zoning Board of Adjustment. Puck moved and Mengler seconded to reappoint Sandy Liebbe to a term ending 12/31/22. Motion carried.
- City Attorney. Smith moved and Puck seconded to reappoint Tom Schirman as the City Attorney, term ending 12/31/19. Motion carried.
- City Clerk. Mengler moved and Smith seconded to reappoint Lisa Rickertsen as the City Clerk, term ending 12/31/19. Motion carried
Donation to Durant Ambulance. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the annual donation to Durant Ambulance in the amount of $1,000. Motion carried.
116 W. Lincoln Street Demolition. Stagg reported on two bids each for the asbestos removal and demolition of the house. His plan is to have the asbestos removed first, then bid out the HVAC system for removal, let the firemen use the house for training purposes, and then have it demolished. Brockmann stated that he would like to have three bids. Stagg responded that only two bids had been required in the past. City policy will be reviewed for bidding projects. Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to accept the bid of $2,730 for asbestos removal from Environmental Management and $13,475 for demolition from Needham Excavating. Motion carried.
Ordinance 496-17, Designating an Area of Walcott as the 2017 Walcott Urban Revitalization Area. This designates an area of the City as a revitalization area for economic development of and the promotion of housing and residential development. Puck moved to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance 496-17, seconded by Mengler. Roll call ayes: Puck, Mengler, Koehler, Brockmann, and Smith. Motion carried.
Police Department Report. Blake reported he had tagged 23 cars that needed to be moved for snow removal and they are still investigating the break-ins of some storage units.
Public Works Department Report. Stagg presented a project worksheet for the televising of all the sanitary sewer lines south of Walcott Road. He received two bids and the budgeted amount was $160,000. He is recommending the acceptance of the bid from Visu Sewer for $152,892 with approval not to exceed $160,000. He reported that this project would help determine the condition of the sewer mains and is a step in the process to help reduce storm water infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. He will receive both a written report and a DVD of the televising upon completion. Brockmann stated that maps and video of past televising should be available and he would suggest also televising all laterals while checking the mains to look for illegal connections. He would recommend reducing the size of the project to a section of the city and doing repairs while they are televising. Stagg stated that the repairs can’t be done during televising of the mains. He also stated he could use smoke testing to check laterals in the future. It was noted that any past televising was at least 10 years ago. Following further discussion, Mengler moved and Puck seconded to accept the bid from Visu Sewer for $152,892 with the cost not to exceed $160,000. Motion carried 4 – 1, with Brockmann opposed.
City Clerk Report. Huston requested that the Council be prepared to set a date for a budget meeting at the next Council meeting.
Mayor’s Report. Mayor Kosticheck noted that with two new Council Members he hoped everyone could work together and work through differences of opinions.
Council Member Comments. Brockmann stated that he had received complaints about snow removal and felt that the streets were in terrible condition. He said the trucks were going too fast and more salt and sand was needed. Mayor Kostichek and Puck stated that they have received positive comments on the snow removal done by the Public Works Department. Smith requested an inventory list from Stagg before the budget meeting. Stagg reported that he had provided one to the Council last January and would give them one again before the budget meeting.
Mengler moved and Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:04 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.