August 1, 2022 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 1st day of August, 2022, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present: Everett Bieri, Harry Knutsen, Kirk Koberg, Lisa Mengler, and Jacob Puck. Staff present: Lisa Rickertsen and Paul Stagg.
Approval of Agenda. Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Knutsen moved and Bieri seconded to approve the consent agenda, which includes the invoices, minutes from July 18, 2022, and renewal of Class C liquor and Sunday sales license for The Coliseum LLC (Walcott Coliseum). Motion carried.
Lincoln Street Improvements Project – Payment #2. Stagg provided updates on the E. Lincoln Street Improvements Project. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve payment #2 to Needham Excavating in the amount of $141,177.93. Motion carried.
Public Works Department Report. Stagg reported on repairs at the splash pad and parts ordered for the slide at Victory Park.
City Clerk’s Report. Rickertsen reported on the movie in the park event at Wescott Park on August 19th and upcoming code amendments due to 2022 legislative changes.
Mayor Report. Mayor Kostichek inquired about the walk-in cooler located on city property which has not being utilized. Council consensus was to have Stagg investigate if it can be dismantled and to dispose of it. Mayor Kostichek questioned the status of the engineer’s report on how potential development areas can be served with sanitary sewer and water. Stagg responded he reviewed a preliminary report but has not yet received a final report following his comments.
Council Comments. Comments included the sign at Prairie View Park that needs painted, appreciation to the Public Works Department staff for their assistance with the damaged railroad crossing, and compliments on the tree watering at the parks.
Koberg moved and Knutsen seconded to adjourn at 6:17 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.