April 1, 2019 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 1st day of April 2019, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: John Brockmann, Lisa Mengler, Jacob Puck, Larry Smith, and Tim Koehler. Absent: None. City staff present: Jeff Blake, Paul Stagg, Lisa Rickertsen, and Tom Schirman.
Approval of Agenda. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Introduction of Audience/Public Comments. None.
Consent Agenda. Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from March 18, 2019, and Class B Beer Permits and Sunday licenses for Walcott Unified Fund for Victory and Wescott Parks. Motion carried.
Minutes from March 19, 2019. Smith moved and Mengler seconded to approve the minutes from March 19, 2019. Motion carried with Brockmann abstaining due to absence.
Ordinance 502-19 Amending Chapter 99 Regarding Sewer Rates. This Ordinance will increase the sewer rates 3% beginning with the May 1st bills. The base rate will increase from $10.00 to $10.30/month and the usage rate from $6.15 to $6.33 per 1,000 gallons of water. Koehler moved and Puck seconded to approve the second reading of Ordinance 502-19, Amending Chapter 99 Regarding Sewer Rates. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Puck, Brockmann, Mengler, and Smith. Motion carried.
Ordinance 503-19 Amending Chapter 155 Pertaining to Above Ground Storage Tanks. This Ordinance amends Chapter 155 by adding provisions relating to liquid propane (LP) tanks. Mengler moved and Smith seconded to approve the second reading of Ordinance 503-19, Amending Provisions to Above Ground Storage Tanks. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Smith, Koehler, Brockmann, and Puck. Motion carried.
Fire Department Report. Chief Geigle reported on the need for additional members and requested permission to place signs on city property. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to allow the Fire Department to place signs on City property. Motion carried. The signs will be placed in accordance with City Code.
Police Department Report. Chief Blake reported the new squad is at the dealership and questioned what to do with the squad they will be replacing. Discussion was held on vehicle use by other city departments. Stagg stated a sport utility vehicle would be a more practical vehicle for the Building Official instead of the car, especially during the winter. Council consensus was to transfer the 2013 Ford Explorer to the Building Official and noted that the Fire Department could utilize it for out-of-town evening and/or weekend meetings if needed.
Public Works Department Report. Stagg reported on status of projects and lack of illumination on N. Henry Street, north of James Street. He requested the Council look at the area prior to the next meeting. He will also obtain costs on installing an additional street light.
Council Comments. Comments included Smith reporting that the Street Committee (Smith & Puck) met to review the hard surfaced streets and stated they only found minimal items to be addressed, which he submitted to Stagg.
Puck moved and Smith seconded to adjourn at 6:23 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.