September 21, 2015 Minutes

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 21st day of September, 2015, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. City employees present: Jeff Blake, Steve Bowman, Randy Reimers, Jackie Huston, Linda Rivers, and Tom Schirman.

Approval of Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Police Department Report. Chief Blake reported that it is not clear how much the 2009 Ford Expedition would be worth due to its deteriorated condition. The easiest disposal method would be to trade it in on the new squad. This item will be on the next agenda for updated figures.

Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from September 8, 2015, and August 2015 Financial Reports. Motion carried.

Iowa 80 Trucking Museum Expansion Site Plan. Huston presented the Site Plan and stated that staff members and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval. Koehler moved and Latimer seconded to approve Resolution 2015-32, which approves the Iowa 80 Trucking Museum Expansion Site Plan. Motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote.

Ossian, Inc. Compaction Building Site Plan. Huston presented the Site Plan and stated that recommended changes had been made and staff members and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2015-33, which approves the Ossian, Inc. Compaction Building Site Plan. Motion carried with a unanimous roll call vote.

Main Street Streetscape Enhancement Project. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve payment #2, to Brandt Construction, in the amount of $12,895.30. Motion carried. Building Official, Linda Rivers, stated that this payment was mostly for material.

101 S. Main Street Lot – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Huston reported that three quotes had been received – MSA, $2,250, Terracon, $2,300, and Forest Road Consulting, $2,500. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to approve hiring MSA for the Phase I study in the amount of $2,250. Motion carried.

Approval of Central Tank Coatings Invoice. Bowman stated that the contractor agreed to make repairs to the painting on the tank this fall, but requested that 75% of the $31,920 contract be paid at this time and 25% upon completion. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to pay 75% of the contract upon receipt of documentation agreeing to repair the paint job. Motion carried.

Building Department Report. Rivers gave an update on the Main Street Enhancement Project and various construction and remodeling projects. She reported on the results from the BCEGS review that determines the City’s ISO rating that affects insurance rates for the community. The review determined that Walcott’s rating would be downgraded one point for both commercial and residential property. This is mostly due to not having adopted current construction codes. The City has the option of reviewing the information and responding with a plan to regain the higher classification. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to reply to the BCEGS that the City of Walcott will review the information and will institute programs to regain our previous BCEGS classification number. Motion carried.

Public Work’s Department Report.
Street Repair Bids. Bowman reported the following bids for street repairs – Seven Hills Paving-$13,630 and Tri-City Blacktop-$17,750. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to accept the bid from Seven Hills Paving in the amount of $13,630 for six street patches. Motion carried.

Salt Spreader for snow plow. Bowman reported he had one bid from Bonnell for a salt spreader on the snow plow that they use at the interstate area, in the amount of $11,917.60. He stated that this would reduce fuel costs and manpower by allowing plowing and salt spreading to be done at the same time. Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to accept the bid from Bonnell in the amount of $11,917.60. Motion carried.

Plow Blade for 2015 GMC Pickup truck. Bowman reported he had one bid from Bonnell for a Western blade in the amount of $5,530. He stated that a Western blade was preferred because it would last 10 – 15 years longer than other blades. He intends to use this truck in alleys and places that a large truck is not practical. Audience members questioned if this truck would be used to remove snow from the sidewalks located next to the curbs. Bowman responded that if the plow trucks deposited the snow on the sidewalks, it would be removed with the pickup truck. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to accept the bid from Bonnell in the amount of $5,530. Motion carried.

Bowman presented a list of vehicles and equipment that could be disposed of. It consisted of old, non-functioning equipment that could be sold. This list will be included on the agenda for the next meeting.

Vision Committee Report. The Committee, represented by Brent Puck, Brent Arp, Larry Koberg, and Austin Burt, presented a proposed set of guidelines and application form to reinstitute the Mayor’s Beautification Award. Following discussion, the Council consensus was to have the Committee bring a list of recommended candidates for the award to the next meeting.

The Vision Committee is in the process of transitioning to an independent committee by establishing the Hearts & Hands Foundation as a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. This would allow the Foundation to accept tax deductible donations to use for community projects. The Committee is interested in purchasing and renovating the building at 101 E. Durant Street to be used for a library. Currently, the Scott County Library Board has an option to purchase the building that expires soon. If the Committee does purchase the building, they envision fundraising and applying for grants to complete the project. They would ask that the City donate funds to help obtain the grants.

New Business/Questions. Elaine and Brenda Arp explained a project called the Public Servants Dressed in Blue Week. The Lambda Phi Sorority wants to purchase and distribute blue light bulbs for the residents of Walcott to use in their outdoor porch light receptacles to show support for the Police and Fire Departments. They requested the Mayor to sign a proclamation for the week of November 22nd. Donations received for the light bulbs would go to the Walcott Police and Fire Departments. The Council expressed their support of the project and the Mayor requested that they bring the proclamation to City Hall to be placed on a meeting agenda for November.

Koehler requested that the realtor for the building on North Main Street attend the next meeting. The contract will expire soon and options for the building were discussed if it is not sold. Bowman was asked to get estimates for removing the asbestos and also demolition costs.

Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

September 21, 2015 Signed minutes and claims

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September 8, 2015 Minutes

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, 2015, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. City employees present: Jeff Blake, Steve Bowman, Josh Geigle, Randy Reimers, Lisa Rickertsen, Tony Rupe, and Tom Schirman.

Approval of Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and minutes from August 17, 2015. Motion carried.

J. Brockmann : Concerns/101 S. Main Street Lot (former lumberyard). John Brockmann questioned the costs presented previously by Koehler regarding the cost differences between placing a municipal building on this site or adjacent to the current City Hall. Discussion included possibly relocating poles (located on the southeast side of the lot: at no cost to the City) and proceeding with a Phase 1, and possibly a Phase 2, environmental study on the lot. Quotes on the environmental studies will be obtained for the next meeting.

Brenda Warner : SBDF Run Approval & Appropriate Street Closures. Brenda Warner presented information about SBDF (Shelly Bridgewater Dreams Fund) and requested approval to have a 5K run on October 31st. They would like to close a portion of E. Bryant Street, between Main & Henry Streets, for set-up at 8:00 a.m., with the run beginning at 9:00 a.m. She presented the route, which will be the same route used for the Walcott Day 5K. Warner questioned if the Fire and Police Departments could assist during the run. Audience member Kirk Koberg suggested putting up notices as it will be during harvest season and tractors may be trying to get to River Valley that morning. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the 5K run and appropriate street closures on October 31st. Motion carried.

S. Downey Street Improvements Project. Rickertsen stated a second engineering quote was received but the two quotes were not comparable. She questioned if the Council wanted to proceed with sidewalk assessments for lots that do not currently have sidewalks, consistent with past street improvements projects, which would be an additional engineering fee. Resident Jim Paulsen questioned the street width and sump pump connections. It was reported the storm sewer would be placed in the street, allowing for a shorter distance for connections. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to send out RFPs (Request for Proposals) and include the sump pump sewer laterals, street width at 33′, and the sidewalk assessments. Resident Joe Hahn questioned a turn-around at the end of the street and stated emergency vehicles sometimes have to back out of the street. Koehler moved to amend his motion to include adding a cul-de-sac, if viable. Seconded by Jackie Puck. Motion carried. Resident Mike Engler questioned pumping water onto sidewalks, specifically properties along E. Lincoln Street. Brockmann stated it is most convenient to pump the water out into the streets and the majority of town does not have storm sewer. Rickertsen will check with the Building Official regarding Engler’s concerns.

Trick-or-Treating. Jacob Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve Trick-or-Treating on October 30th from 6:00 p.m. : 8:00 p.m. Motion carried. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the parade from Victory Park to the Walcott Legion. Motion carried.

Main Street Streetscape Enhancement Project. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve payment #1, to Brandt Construction, in the amount of $75,107.17. Motion carried. Building Official, Linda Rivers, had reviewed the payment request, along with the project engineer, Missman Inc., who recommended payment.

Approval of Central Tank Coatings Invoice. The invoice, in the amount of $31,920, included $20,000 for the exterior painting and $11,920 for equipment repairs. Koehler expressed concerns with the gray streaks of primer that are visible, from the base to the top of the tower. Bowman stated he questioned the contractor, who stated it was overspray that will wash off after a few rains and stated they would come back if it wasn’t better by spring. Koehler stated he wants something in writing from the contractor that they will rectify if it’s not resolved. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to table approval of the invoice until the next meeting. Motion carried.

Approval of Water Plant Monitoring & Alarm System. Discussion was held on the proposal from Automatic Systems to improve the water treatment plant and north lift station monitoring and alarm system. This proposal will improve the system that provides the city staff with immediate notifications in case of emergency situations. Water Operator, Tony Rupe, stated they had a lengthy review with Automatic Systems personnel and this is the first step with the upgrade. Council members expressed concerns that only one bid was presented. Mengler moved to table until a second bid is received. Rupe stated the existing equipment was installed and has been maintained by Automatic Systems and a new vendor may need to go through all the blue prints in order to be familiarized with our system, in order to bid on it, and he felt this bid was reasonable. Mengler rescinded her motion and Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to approve the proposal from Automatic Systems, in the amount of $6,270. Motion carried.

Resolution 2015-31, Approving the 2015 Fiscal Year Street Finance Report. Rickertsen reviewed the annual street finance report. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2015-31. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Jacob Puck, Jackie Puck, Latimer, and Koehler. Motion carried.

Fire Department Report. Chief Geigle requested approval to purchase a hose tester. He stated doing the testing from the trucks is extremely hard on the pumps. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to approve purchasing a hose tester. Motion carried. The hose tester will be purchased from Sandry Fire Supply at a cost of $1,926 plus freight, from the Fire Department Donation fund. Chief Geigle requested permission to close a portion of E. Bryant Street and payment of steaks for the Fire Department Steak Fry. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the payment to Kalmes Catering in the amount of $8,250 for 1,000 steaks. Motion carried. Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve closing a portion of E. Bryant Street, between Main Street and Henry Street, on September 26th. Motion carried.

Public Work’s Department Report. Bowman reported he was obtaining bids on street repairs, mapping and painting water shut-offs, and he contracted salt for this winter. He presented information from Altorfer regarding an annual maintenance plan for the generators. The maintenance plan proposal will be placed on a future agenda.

City Clerk’s Department Report. Rickertsen requested purchase of a new computer server and fifteen block hours of service from Computer Evolution. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to purchase a new computer server and fifteen block hours of service from Computer Evolution at a cost not to exceed $4,855. Motion carried. Rickertsen stated she wanted to address comments made at the last meeting:
In response to a comment that Alliant Energy would allow banners on their decorative poles, she read an email from an Alliant Energy field engineering specialist, dated March 16, 2015, stating that no additional banners can be on their decorative poles.
She reported House File 570 was passed earlier this year which provides an exemption from municipal tort liability for claims arising from recreational activities, which includes the proposed splash pad.
She also reported on the upcoming Vision Committee and Splash Pad Committee meetings on September 16th.

Mayor’s Report. Mayor Kostichek stated the City is going through a staff transition period in the Public Works Department, thanked employees and others in attendance for their assistance and patience.

Council Member Comments/New Business. Mengler thanked Rickertsen and Rivers for their assistance with the damaged cones at Watertower Park. Jackie Puck thanked John Brockmann for his cooperation in working with Bowman and Koehler stated he appreciated his efforts and thanked him for being in attendance. Koehler questioned if the south water tower was in working condition. Brockmann stated it was and the pumps are tested every Monday. He also stated you can pump directly into the main (in the event of an emergency), without using the tower, but IDNR would need to be notified.

Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to adjourn at 7:18 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

September 8, 2015 Signed minutes and claims

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August 17, 2015 Minutes

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 17th day of August, 2015, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. City employees present: Jeff Blake, John Brockmann, Josh Geigle, Adam Hill, Lisa Rickertsen, and Tom Schirman.

Approval of Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

In honor of his 48 years of service to the community, Mayor Kostichek presented John Brockmann with an engraved wall clock and thanked him for his service. Mayor Kostichek offered to have the City sponsor an open house for his retirement, but Brockmann declined.

Audience. There were approximately 33 people in attendance, including citizens, non-residents and vendors. North Scott Press reporter Alan Dale and city employees Scott Brockmann, Neal Krebs, and Jody Siebel were also in the audience.

Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Latimer seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from August 3, 2015, minutes from August 5, 2015, minutes from August 10, 2015, and the July 2015 financial reports. Motion carried.

Minutes from August 14, 2015. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the minutes from August 14, 2015. Jacob Puck abstained due to absence from meeting. Motion carried.

Splash Pad Project. Bryce Johnson (J&M Civil Design) presented a phasing plan and associated cost estimates for the proposed splash pad area and reconstruction of West Otis Street. Johnson distributed additional information to the council and stated the breakdown of multiple phases would increase the overall costs. Questions arose from audience members regarding the project, maintenance, and costs. The Splash Pad Committee was formed (in February 2014) to assist in planning and pursuing grants and fundraising for the splash pad area. The street reconstruction would be a future street improvements project. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to table any action (on the phasing plans/costs estimates) until they review the information further. Motion carried. Brockmann will investigate the chain link fence and posts location (installed in May 2014) at the proposed splash pad site, following questions from resident Mike Engler.

S. Downey Street Improvements Project. Brockmann stated he has not received a second engineering bid, as requested by council. He felt it was unfair to take another bid since the first engineer's bid had been reported at a previous council meeting. No action was taken.

Rowe Street Right-of-Way (ROW). Following a request at the last meeting from William Belz, property owner of 302 W. Lincoln Street, Brockmann reconfirmed there are city utilities (sanitary and storm sewer) in the ROW and cautioned the City Council about selling portions of the ROW. Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to not sell the ROW to Belz. Motion carried.

Municipal Building Project – Relocating Poles at 101 S. Main Street. Rickertsen reported the architect stated the posts located on the southwest side of the lot could be moved 10 : 15' due west. Discussion was held that moving the poles would allow delivery trucks to turn from Henry Street into the drive on the south side of CenPeCo. Iowa Interstate Railroad has not yet been contacted regarding the poles that carry power to the crossing arms. It was stated the council would not be paying the costs to relocate any of the poles.

Public Works Director Position : Resolution 2015-30, Establishing Hourly Wage and Vacation Leave. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2015-30. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, Latimer, and Koehler. Motion carried. A lengthy discussion was held on the questions/comments that arose regarding the resolution details, job qualifications/requirements, and the hiring process. The resolution approved the appointment of Steve Bowman as the Public Works Director, effective August 24, 2015, at a rate of $27.00/hour with two weeks of vacation granted at the start of employment.

Fire Department Report. Chief Geigle reported he is pursuing additional information on the hose tower that he had requested to be on the agenda.

Police Department Report. Chief Blake reported on the multi-jurisdiction event, funded by the Governor's Traffic Safety Bureau, the department is participating with on August 19th.

Public Work's Department Report. Brockmann stated he wanted the public to know that CenPeCo offered the City $160,000, to be used to purchase and demolish the adjacent residential property. He questioned the costs reported at the last meeting and Koehler stated the information he presented was the value of all land and demolition costs (related to the Municipal Building Project). Brockmann reported on the following:
He spoke with an Alliant Energy representative that stated they welcome city banners on their poles.
Others also had trouble hearing the council at the last regular meeting.
Expressed his frustration with the farm lease eviction notice he received.
Thanked his family, employees, and vendors present and congratulated Bowman on getting the job.

City Clerk's Department Report. Rickertsen stated she was contacted by a Mediacom representative who stated they will indeed proceed, in conjunction with the Main Street Streetscape Enhancement project, with extending their services north of the bridge.

Mayor's Report. Mayor Kostichek thanked the residents in attendance at the meeting.

Questions/Concerns. Some concerns expressed included the following:
Ruth Siebke, resident, expressed her frustration with the sidewalk and handicap ramp repairs done near her property. She questioned the inspection process and Rickertsen reported the Building Official inspects the sidewalk and the Public Works Director inspects the handicap ramp area.
Andrew Snyder, property owner, expressed his concerns about communication issues with the Building Official regarding the Main Street Streetscape Enhancement project.

Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

Signed minutes and claims

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August 14, 2015 Minutes

A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Walcott, Iowa was held on Monday, August 14, 2015, with Mayor John Kostichek calling the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, and Jackie Puck. Absent: Jacob Puck. Also present were employees: Lisa Rickertsen, Linda Rivers, and Tom Schirman, and Missman, Inc. engineer, John Fellman.

Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Fellman expressed his frustration with obtaining the required permit from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for the Main Street Enhancement project. He stated that at the beginning of the project they were told by the IDNR that a variance would not be required (for the bridge walkway addition) and it wasn’t until the last week of July when the IDNR required it. During discussion, it was reported a permit is now being issued for the remainder of the project, which requires a permit, and work will continue on all but the bridge walkway portion. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to proceed with obtaining the required IDNR variance permit (for the bridge walkway) and authorize Attorney Schirman to assist as necessary. Motion carried.

During the planning stages of the Main Street Enhancement project, Mediacom had agreed to coordinate installation of their cable with the contractor’s installation of the storm sewer, however, they stated on August 13th that they would bring the materials but wanted the project contractor to install their cable line. The cable installation is Mediacom’s responsibility and is not part of the contractor’s contract. Council members expressed their frustration with Mediacom’s lack of participation and the impact on local businesses.

Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to adjourn at 8:30 a.m. Motion carried.

All motions were unanimous.

August 14, 2015 Special Mtg

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August 10, 2015 Minutes

A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Walcott, Iowa was held on Monday, August 10, 2015, with Mayor John Kostichek calling the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None.

Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Council reviewed the operations of the wastewater treatment plant with Randy Reimers, the City’s certified wastewater operator. Reimers left the meeting prior to the interviews.

Council separately interviewed two applicants for the Public Works Director position. Discussion was held on the applicants’ qualifications, wages, and benefits. Council consensus was to offer the Public Works Director position to applicant #1, explore increasing Reimers’ hours at the wastewater plant, and pursue a new certified water operator, by affidavit.

Jackie Puck moved and Koehler seconded to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Motion carried.

All motions were unanimous.

August 10, 2015 Special Mtg Signed

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August 5, 2015 Minutes

A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Walcott, Iowa was held on Wednesday, August 5, 2015, with Mayor John Kostichek calling the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. Lisa Rickertsen was also present.

Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Public Works Director Position. Discussion was held on the applications received for the Public Works Director (PWD) position. The Council felt that none of the applicants met 100% of the job requirements as listed in the job description. The job description was recently updated to include the required State of Iowa wastewater certification (Grade 3) for the new wastewater treatment plant. The City currently does not have a full-time employee that meets the certification requirements for the wastewater plant. Due to the accelerated retirement date of the current PWD, the Council will proceed with interviews and look at possibly adjusting the job description.

Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to adjourn at 7:12 p.m. Motion carried.

All motions were unanimous.

August 5, 2015 Special Mtg signed minutes

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August 3, 2015 Minutes

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 3rd day of August, 2015, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. City employees present: John Brockmann, Josh Geigle, Lisa Rickertsen, and Tom Schirman.

Approval of Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Audience. Kent Arp, Gene Meyer, Randy Moeller, Jill Hernandez, Andy Brus, Alan Dale, Andrew Snyder, William Belz, Dennis Siebel, Brian Mengler, Janice Dawson, Joe Hahn, Bryce Johnson, and Brad Roeth. Employees Jody Siebel and Randy Reimers were also in the audience.

Consent Agenda. Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from July 20, 2015, and the Casey’s General Store #1922 Class C beer permit renewal. Motion carried.

Splash Pad Project. Bryce Johnson (J&M Civil Design) presented a concept plan for the proposed splash pad area including the preliminary design of the Otis Street reconstruction and elevations of the entire project area. Discussion was held on the recommendations from Brad Roeth (Watersmith Engineering) regarding the steps for the applicable project permitting requirements with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and US Army Corps of Engineers. Discussion was also held on the possible project phases (splash pad and required infrastructure/drainage, W. Otis Street reconstruction, diagonal parking areas, and W. Otis St. turnabout : west of Rowe Lane). Following the Mayor’s request, Johnson will break down the costs for the different phases. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve Watersmith Engineering proceed with step one of his recommendation (submit water quality test results to IDNR and request a Waste Load Allocation). Motion carried.

William Belz : Rowe Street Right-of-Way (ROW). Belz, property owner of 302 W. Lincoln Street, was present to request a portion of the adjacent Rowe Street ROW. City utilities (sanitary and storm sewer) are located in the Rowe Street ROW and Brockmann stated he needs 10′-15′ on both sides of the utilities for access. Brockmann will locate the sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines in the ROW. Attorney Schirman stated that past ROW conveyances to adjoining property owners included having the property owner be responsible for surveying their property lines.

Iowa American Water. A letter was received from Iowa American Water requesting a meeting to discuss the possibility of privatization of Walcott’s water and or wastewater systems. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to send a letter to Iowa American Water, denying their request for a meeting. Motion carried.

Sewer Inflow & Infiltration Study. At an earlier meeting, Stanley Consultants was present and reported on the results of the phase one sewer inflow and infiltration study. Brockmann stated work needs to be done a little at a time and he feels there are two areas on the east side where a larger sanitary sewer pipe could be installed to eliminate the back-up problem in those areas. He also suggested replacing some manhole covers and rings. Brockmann introduced the City’s certified wastewater operator, Randy Reimers, who stated the laboratory at the sewer plant is completed and he is submitting the application to the IDNR to get the lab certified. Following further discussion, Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to have Brockmann obtain estimates to install the larger piping on the two sections as he suggested. Motion carried.

Municipal Building Project/Property. Koehler stated he would like to see a drawing of the proposed building on the lot at 101 S. Main Street (SE corner of Lincoln & Main) to see if something can be worked out with Cen-Pe-Co regarding their concerns. Jill Hernandez, neighboring property owner, expressed her frustration with the lengthy process of determining a location for the potential municipal building. Mayor Kostichek stated they just recently had the opportunity to meet in person with the owner of Cen-Pe-Co. Discussion continued and it was stated that constructing a new building next to the current city hall location would be more costly, due to property acquisitions and demolition costs.

Fire Department Report. Chief Geigle presented a project worksheet to install new emergency lights and striping on Rescue Unit #6. Mengler moved and Latimer seconded to approve the new lights and striping on unit #6. Motion carried. The work will be done by Alexis Fire Equipment at a cost of $11,902.

Public Work’s Department Report.
Snow Plow. Brockmann presented a project worksheet for a 12′ steel snow plow. Questions arose on how the old plow will be disposed of. It was stated the old equipment should be sold as scrap. Latimer moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve the purchase of a snow plow as requested. Motion carried. The 12′ steel snow plow will be purchased from Bonnell Industries at a cost of $13,767.20.
S. Downey Street Improvements Project. Brockmann also presented a project worksheet for approximate engineering and surveying costs for the S. Downey Street Improvements project. Following discussion, Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to obtain a second bid for engineering. Motion carried.
Other. Brockmann reported the sludge from the wastewater plant has previously been applied to his farm ground but he will no longer be allowing sludge on his ground and the City needs to find a new place to dispose of it. Discussion ensued regarding city-owned farm ground and the need for written lease agreements. Brockmann also expressed his frustration with not being able to hear everything during the meeting, which may have led to some miscommunication recently. Microphones or a PA system may need to be looked into. Brockmann also expressed his irritation that a project contractor was aware that he made a complaint against the contractor. Brockmann stated his retirement date will be August 21st.

City Clerk’s Department Report. Rickertsen presented the FYE 2015 investment report. Koehler moved and Jacob seconded to approve the FYE 2015 investment report. Motion carried. Rickertsen reported on the July Building Department report and stated Rivers (Building Official) has been working with IDNR and a few property owners just east of the Main Street bridge, who were asked to sign a document that acknowledges they understand that the backwater situation is not going to change, based on the modeling done by the project engineers. Andrew Snyder, property owner of 305 E. Walcott Road, was present and expressed his disapproval of the Main Street Streetscape Enhancement project, his frustration with not having advance notice of the project, and questioned if the City ever intends to dredge the creek. Rickertsen replied that Snyder was one of the property owners that recently received an acknowledgement letter/form regarding the project, which was just requested last week by the IDNR. The project has been in the planning stages for well over a year and has been listed on agendas and had the required hearings. Mengler stated the City is trying to enhance N. Main Street and provide a safe walking path for residents. Rickertsen will have the engineer’s water flow modeling/reports forwarded to Snyder.

City Attorney Report.
Solid Waste and Recycling Contract Renewal. Attorney Schirman reported all concerns with the proposed contract with Allied Waste d/b/a Republic Services have been addressed with an additional sentence added to the contract. Koehler moved and Mengler seconded to approve Resolution 2015-28, Solid Waste & Recycling Contract. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Mengler, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, and Latimer. Motion carried. The contract renewal is for a period of five years.
Farm Leases/Rent. Attorney Schirman reported this came up in a previous discussion and stated there are no written lease agreements. He will pursue notifying the current renters and prepare agreements. Brockmann stated he is no longer interested in farming the city-owned property.
Personnel Policy Changes. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2015-29, Approving an Amendment to the Personnel Policy Handbook. Roll call ayes: Koehler, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, Latimer, and Mengler. Motion carried. Full-time employees hired after August 1, 2015, will receive four hours of sick leave each month, compared to the current full-time employees who receive eight hours of sick leave each month.

Mayor’s Report. Mayor Kostichek stated he didn’t intend to cause any ill feelings regarding the farm lease and the only intent was to have the leases in writing to protect the city. He stated he received a letter from RAGBRAI organizers stating they received glowing reviews from the riders regarding the town and hospitality they received. He expressed thanks to all the volunteers during the Walcott Day and RAGBRAI celebrations.

Public Works Director Position. A special meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, August 5th at 5:30 p.m.

Questions/Concerns. Andy Brus questioned the status of the James Street water main project. Brockmann responded the work hasn’t been completed due to events and requests from neighboring properties and that it will be up to his successor to complete the project. Jackie Puck reported on her conversation with the homeowner in regards to heavy trucks on South Main Street.

Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to adjourn at 7:54 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

August 3, 2015 signed minutes and claims

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July 20, 2015 Minutes

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 20th day of July, 2015, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Lisa Mengler, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: None. City employees present: Jeff Blake, John Brockmann, Lisa Rickertsen, Linda Rivers, and Tom Schirman.

Approval of Agenda. Jackie Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Audience. Verlyn and Josie Dietz, Larry Koberg, Kent Arp, Gene Meyer, Brent Arp, Randy Robb, and Kirk Koberg. Employees Jody Siebel, Scott Brockmann, Neal Krebs, and Adam Hill were also in the audience.

Consent Agenda. Jacob Puck moved and Mengler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices and June 2015 financial reports. Motion carried. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2015-27, Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Jackie Puck, Jacob Puck, Latimer, and Koehler. Motion carried.

Minutes from July 6, 2015. Mengler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the minutes from July 6, 2015. Koehler and Latimer abstained due to absence from meeting. Motion carried.

RAGBRAI : Street Closures. Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to close a portion of Main Street, between James Street and Otis Street, and the streets around Victory Park during RAGBRAI on July 25th. Motion carried.

Employee Benefits/Personnel Policy.
Health Insurance. Roger Robb (Group Specialist of GBL) presented different plan options for employee medical insurance and discussed different ways for the City to save on costs. Koehler stated when the discussion regarding changes to medical benefits started, it was meant for new employees. Robb reported on proposed changes to the health insurance regulations. Following further discussion, Jackie Puck stated the health insurance benefits should remain as is and it can be addressed later when the laws change. Mengler moved and Koehler seconded to not make changes to the health insurance benefits. Motion carried.
Sick/Vacation Leave. Information has not yet been received from the employment law attorney regarding proposed changes to the sick leave policy for new employees. Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to table the sick leave policy. Motion carried. Koehler questioned the vacation leave policy, specifically allowing employees to accumulate/carry over up to 80 hours each year at their anniversary date. Brockmann stated his employees are cross trained, allowing everyone to take their vacation if they choose to. Following further discussion, no further changes will be made to the vacation policy.

Vision Committee. Committee chairperson, Larry Koberg, reported on the minutes from their July 8th meeting. The committee will be renamed to Walcott Hearts and Hands Foundation Committee and will be no longer be a city committee once they are designated a 501(c)(3) organization. Questions arose on the hanging flower baskets. The committee did previous work on this and will provide contact information to the city for next year’s flower baskets on the new decorative light poles on N. Main Street.

Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau Contribution. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the annual $1,000 contribution request, as budgeted, to Quad Cities Convention & Visitors Bureau. Motion carried.

Main Street Enhancement Streetscape Project. Koehler questioned if Brockmann had contacted the project engineer and informed him that Brockmann should be contacted regarding the project instead of the Building Official, Linda Rivers. Brockmann responded that he did contact the engineer and said to contact him. He stated he should handle the administration part and needs to be included in the project. Koehler reviewed the minutes from May 18th when Brockmann stated the City needed to hire an engineer for construction observation as he can’t be fair to the contractor since he doesn’t believe in the project, and the June 1st minutes when Council appointed Rivers to do the daily construction observation/inspections and to contact the engineer with items as needed. Mengler stated Brockmann was present during the June 1st meeting and he did not comment about the appointment at that time. Brockmann reiterated concerns about not being involved with the project, including the pre-construction meeting, which was held when he was on vacation. Council reconfirmed that Rivers is the city contact person for the project. Brockmann left the meeting. Rivers reported that she will email all departments regarding project status and updates so everyone is kept informed. There was discussion regarding conflicts between departments.

Building Department Report. Rivers reported all rental inspections are completed and reported on recent tree inspections. Rivers stated she contacted an Iowa State Extension consulting arborist regarding a tree on private property that could be a danger to adjoining property or passing motorists or pedestrians. The arborist felt that a significant weather event would probably cause the tree to come down. Council consensus was to have Rivers contact the homeowner and pursue removal of the tree.

Police Department Report. Mengler commended the police officers that worked during the Walcott Day events.

City Clerk’s Department Report. Rickertsen reported Iowa 80 Truckstop appealed the tax assessments for two of their parcels. The consent order reduced one of the property valuations by $1,667,060. Rickertsen stated the reduction starts with the 2013 assessment year which was paid in the last fiscal year; therefore, property tax revenue will be lower than projected for this year to account for the reduction for both the 2013 and 2014 assessment years during this fiscal year.

City Attorney Report.
South Main Street Damage. Attorney Schirman stated he believes the City currently has no recourse on the recent street damage done to a portion of South Main Street, south of Memorial Road, as a result of heavy truck traffic. A lengthy discussion was held on possible options to prevent this in the future, including implementing load limits and traffic pattern restrictions. Koehler expressed his frustration and disappointment regarding the damage that resulted. Council consensus was to send a letter to the property owner and Jackie Puck offered to make personal contact with the owner.

Solid Waste and Recycling Contract Renewal. Attorney Schirman reported the concerns he had with the proposed contract with Allied Waste d/b/a Republic Services have been addressed. Koehler questioned two items he felt should be deleted in their entirety. Schirman will contact the company representative.

Questions/Concerns. It was reported there is a pot hole that should be addressed prior to RAGBRAI and the streets needs swept.

Mengler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

July 20, 2015 Signed minutes and claims

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