April 17, 2023 Minutes
The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, April 17, 2023, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present: Everett Bieri, Kirk Koberg, Harry Knutsen, Lisa Mengler, and Jacob Puck. Staff present: Jeff Blake, Lisa Rickertsen, and Paul Stagg.
Approval of Agenda. Puck moved and Knutsen seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Hearing on FYE 2024 Budget. Mayor Kostichek opened the public hearing on the budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024 (FYE 2024). Rickertsen stated the proposed tax levy tax rate of $10.59934 is 4.6% higher than the current levy rate but property tax revenue received will be 6.32% less than the current year. The budget includes a water rate increase to cover costs associated with the maintenance and future improvements to the water system and a garbage rate increase to cover the annual rate increase from the garbage contractor. Large expenditures include the purchase of a new fire truck and final payment for the E. Lincoln Street Improvements project. No written or other comments were received. Mengler moved and Knutsen seconded to close the public hearing and resume the regular meeting. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda. Knutsen moved and Puck seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from April 3, 2023, March 2023 financial reports, Tax Increment Financing rebate payments per agreements to Iowa 80 Truckstop, Inc. for ½ of the 3rd year rebate on the main building expansion in the amount of $12,829.15 and Atlantic Bottling Company for ½ of the 2nd year rebate on the distribution building in the amount of $38,547.38, and Resolution 2023-18 – Transfer of Funds. Roll call ayes: Knutsen, Puck, Mengler, Bieri, and Koberg. Motion carried.
Resolution 2023-19, Approving the Adoption of the FYE 2024 Budget. Mengler moved and Koberg seconded to approve Resolution 2023-19. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Koberg, Knutsen, Bieri, and Puck. Motion carried.
Ordinance 534-23, Amending Provisions Pertaining to Chapter 160, Building Codes. The proposed ordinance amends Chapter 160 by adopting the State of Iowa plumbing, electrical, and mechanical codes, which will align with Scott County and other local communities. Puck moved and Bieri seconded to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance 534-23. Roll call ayes: Puck, Bieri, Mengler, Koberg, and Knutsen. Motion carried.
Ordinance 535-23, Amending Chapter 47 Prohibiting Bounce Houses and Other Inflatables. Mengler moved and Bieri seconded to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance 535-23. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Bieri, Puck, Koberg, and Knutsen. Motion carried.
Police Department Report. Blake reported on the training he attended during the previous two weeks. Mengler questioned Blake about regulations on electric golf carts that have vehicle identification numbers and can be licensed through the state. Blake responded that if it meets the State of Iowa’s regulations of an electric car it can be registered,obtain a license plate, and not fall under the City’s golf cart regulations. Koberg expressed his concerns on the City’s ATV/UTV regulations.
Public Works Department Report.
- Resolution 2023-20, Establishing Hourly Wage for Public Works Laborer/Heavy Equipment Operator. Stagg reported on the hiring of a new employee to fill the current vacancy. Koberg moved and Mengler seconded to approve Resolution 2023-20. Roll call ayes: Koberg, Mengler, Puck, Bieri, and Knutsen. Motion carried.
- Resolution 2023–21, Awarding Contract for the Sewer Main Rehabilitation by CIPP Lining Project. Stagg reported he received two quotes, after resubmitting the request for quotes (RFQ) for a sewer lining project and extending the completion date to December 15, 2023. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve Resolution 2023-21. Roll call ayes: Mengler, Puck, Bieri, Knutsen, and Koberg. Motion carried.
- Public Works Storage Building – Overhead Door Reframing. Stagg presented a project worksheet to frame the openings of the storage building for the new overhead doors, replace two walk-in doors, and install new steel and trim on the east side of building. The cost of the overhead doors is not included as they have already been approved to be purchased and installed. Koberg had questions and stated he felt the cost was excessive. Following discussion, Bieri moved and Knutsen seconded to approve the Public Works Storage Building overhead door reframing project, awarding it to the low bidder, Brus Construction, at a cost not to exceed $12,586.93. Motion carried with Koberg opposing.
Mayor Kostichek questioned the status of Stagg’s Certified Public Manager training. Stagg reported on recent program classes and that he is set to graduate from the program this December. Mengler questioned the cost of grinding the sloped curb on E. Lincoln Street by Liquid Grow. Stagg stated it is $12/foot. It was reported the depth of the concrete, as questioned at the last meeting, is at least 8”. Koberg expressed several concerns with the E. Lincoln Street Improvements project, including that he feels the entrance from Blue Grass Road (70th Ave.) and street width are too narrow. Stagg will discuss the reported concerns with the project engineer.
City Clerk Report.
- HUB Business Associate Agreement. Rickertsen stated Attorney Schirman reported he saw no issues with the proposed agreement with HUB International, which is needed to be compliant with the HIPAA Privacy Rules in order to assist the City with employee benefits needs. Mengler moved and Puck seconded to approve the HUB Business Associate Agreement. Motion carried.
Rickertsen reported on a recent meeting regarding the proposed amendment to the urban renewal area and plan, which was attended by Davenport School District Superintendent, TJ Schneckloth. A special meeting was scheduled for April 26th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the W. Otis Street project.
Council Member Comments. Koberg expressed his concerns with the City’s engineering firm and that a new scoreboard for Wescott Park is being donated by the Larry Koberg family.
Mengler moved and Koberg seconded to adjourn at 6:56 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.