February 15, 2016 Regular Meeting

City of Walcott February 15, 2016

The semi-monthly meeting of the City Council of Walcott, Iowa, was held on Monday, the 15th day of February, 2016, at Walcott City Hall. Mayor John Kostichek called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were: Tim Koehler, Virgil Wayne Latimer, Jackie Puck, and Jacob Puck. Absent: Lisa Mengler. City employees present: Jeff Blake, Steve Bowman, Jackie Huston, and Tom Schirman.

Approval of Agenda. Latimer moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda. Jacob Puck moved and Koehler seconded to approve the consent agenda including the invoices, minutes from February 1 and February 11, 2016, and January 2016 financial reports. Motion carried.

Rita Stender, Rowe Street Right-of-Way. Ms. Stender wants to purchase a portion of the unimproved Rowe Street ROW that is adjacent to her property on Bryant Street. She stated that the last time she was at a Council meeting to discuss this, she was told that she would need to get a survey of her property and that she would also be responsible for any legal costs incurred by the City Attorney regarding this transfer. Stender had a company do the survey, but the first draft did not indicate the correct placement of the sanitary sewer in the ROW. She was told the survey had to be corrected and indicated that Bowman had been present both times the survey company was at her property. She then was told the Council would not move forward unless the City Engineer reviewed the plat and she would have to pay for that cost. Stender stated she was unaware that she would incur that cost and felt her costs were already higher due to mistakes on the plat. The Mayor noted that the Council requested the engineer’s review because they believed the first survey was incorrect. Bowman stated that he indicated to the surveyor where the utilities were, but they were shown incorrectly. Huston questioned if since both the retired and current Public Works Directors agreed that the amended survey was correct, was the engineer’s review still necessary. The Council agreed that the review was not necessary and Attorney Schirman would prepare a quick claim deed and bring it back to the Council for approval. Ms. Stender will still be responsible for the legal fees.

Jeff Heuer, Ruhl Commercial Realtor. Mr. Heuer reported on the contacts he has made regarding the sale of 1113 N. Main Street and recommended the sale price stay as is.

Main Street Streetscape Enhancement Project. Rivers reported on additional costs requested by Brandt Construction due to delays in the project. These costs will be discussed and negotiated with Brandt. Following discussion, Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to approve payment #6 to Brandt Construction in the amount of $3,408.13. Motion carried.

After reviewing applications from two candidates, Koehler moved and Jacob Puck seconded to appoint Tom Sweeney to the Planning & Zoning Commission, term ending 12/31/16. Motion carried.

2016 Summer Youth Program. Huston reported the rate for the six week program with the Scott County YMCA will remain the same this year. Koehler moved and Latimer seconded to approve the 2016 Summer Youth Program. Motion carried. Fees will be $70 per participant for children residing within city limits or Fire District #6 and the full cost of $196.45 for non-residents.

Liability/Property/Worker’s Compensation Insurance Renewal. Clerk Rickertsen is recommending renewing the IAMU Safety Group Insurance Program with EMC Insurance Company, utilizing local agent, Brent Arp. Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to renew the insurance with EMC Insurance Company. Motion carried.

Ordinance 482-16, Amending Chapter 69 Concerning Parking Regulations – 3rd Reading. Koehler moved and Jackie Puck seconded to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance 482-16. Motion carried with unanimous roll call vote. This is the third and final reading, which amends sub section 17 of Section 69.06 (Parking Prohibited), and adds a new sub section to Section 69.08 (No Parking Zones) to read as follows:
• 69.06 (17). Area between Lot Line and Curb Line. The area of the public right-of-way not covered by sidewalk and lying between the lot line and the curb line, where curbing has been installed. If curbing has not been installed the “curb line” shall be defined as the outside line of the improved portion of the public right-of-way.
• 69.08 (3). Unimproved Street Right-of-Ways. That area of the public right-of-way which has not been improved by the installation of street-grade hard surfacing, including but not limited to grassed areas.
It was stated that the Police Department would be responsible for enforcement.

Building Department Report.
Ordinance 482-16, Amending Chapter 160 Pertaining to Building Codes-1st reading. Rivers explained the need to update the codes to maintain our current insurance rating. She explained that the property maintenance code only applies to rental property under our current code and that she wanted this to apply to all properties. Latimer introduced Ordinance 482-16 and moved to approve the 1st reading and Jacob Puck seconded. Motion carried with unanimous roll call vote.

Police Department Report.
Replacement of Radar Units. Chief Blake explained that he was only requesting the purchase of one unit at this time because he intends to apply for a grant to purchase an additional unit. He is recommending the Stalker unit. Jacob Puck moved and Jackie Puck seconded to purchase one radar unit from Stalker in the amount of $2,866.00, including shipping and installation. Motion carried.

ATV’s/Golf Carts on City Streets. Chief Blake reported that a citizen had requested that the Council allow these vehicles to be ridden on the streets. He gave the Council an ordinance from Wilton allowing the vehicles and discussed requirements: drivers must be licensed and at least 18 years of age, display orange flag, have insurance, only during daytime hours, and not on Y40 or Highway 6. Koehler expressed concerns with allowing unlimited use even with those restrictions. Schirman has Dewitt’s ordinance and will supply that to the Council for the next meeting.

Public Works Department. Bowman requested that the Council meet with MSA to discuss the S. Downey Street project. This will be on the next agenda.

City Clerk Report. Huston reported that a citizen had received a letter regarding water service line insurance that she thought had come from the City. The City has not sent out any letters regarding this insurance.

Audience Comments. John Brockmann stated that if the City is going to allow fishing in the pond at Prairie View Park, they should install a 2 foot fence around the pond for safety.

Jackie Puck moved and Latimer seconded to adjourn at 7:05 p.m. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous, unless noted.

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